Should I Go Back To Him Or Find Myself Another Hairdresser?

I have been using this hairdresser for 6 months for a haircut and I love the way he cuts my hair. I went for a haircut yesterday telling him the usual please ($55) and he said OK.
Take Care Of Your Hair
He proceeded with the usual hair wash (quick one like always) and a hair cut l; and he decided to blow dry my hair. I told him during the hair cut I'm so tired, I'm going to bed right after dinner. Haircut was at about 6pm. I was charged $80 for that 40 mins service. Should I go back to him or find myself another hairdresser? I'm not happy with the price because I have a very tight budget and now it's thrown my budget out. And he sneaked in a service and expected me to pay for it.
My Beautiful Hair
What do you think about the beauty salon.

Answers (31)

    • Amber Stevens

      I wouldn't switch before shopping for best prices and quality service by reading review. Even though I think that's crazy price.

    • $80 for a haircut? I’m a hair dresser 37 years never charged that wow
      I’ll teach you how to cut it yourself lol

      • Violet Skies

        Wash, cut and blow dry. That’s what I pay in Cal $$ for medium length hair - that includes shampoo, conditioner, treatment and head massage.

        • Emily Amy

          He should of informed you if there was a price increase, even $55 is too much.

        • They understand that time and education is money, specially if someone is a hair stylist too.

        • I was $50 for wash, cut blow dry and total restyle and it was worth every penny.

        • They always seem to up charge for service.
          Good stylists are hard to find. I would keep him. Ask him next time you call to schedule how you can keep your costs down. Come to the appointment with clean, wet hair? Skip the style at the end?

        • I have a friend who does hair and she is struggling to make ends meet. I know that add ons are sometimes the only way they can make it. I would just be honest about it. Some stylists won’t allow you to skip the wash or style.

        • I would have asked him why the price difference.. and confront him once and for all! He should not get away with it!

        • I would have mentioned something to him at the time of service. If you like how he cuts, let him know next time you want but to keep within budget and if he decides to give a service you didn’t ask for, then you shouldn’t be obligated to pay it.

        • Ask for no blow-dry and, and next time tell him no blow dry because it cost you extra last time and you don't want to pay that amount!

          • Vanessa Essa

            No way would i go back to him, too many others around to cut hair.

            • Ashley Stires

              Switch and inform the hairdresser why. He should have informed you it would be extra.

              • Mary Power

                Tall him and give him a chance to make it right.
                Maybe the extra charge was because he was miffed because you were going to immediately go home and mess up his work. 

              • A good hairdresser is hard to find. Make sure that your concerns about pricing is addressed in the consultation or when you make an appointment. Next time just make sure that he understands that all you want is a shampoo and a haircut. As a hairdresser for 15 years I would be more comfortable with you being happy and coming back.

                • Jessica Dave

                  Have a conversation first since you’ve been happy with his work before.
                  Just tell him to skip the extras that you only have $55.
                  I also need to learn how to cut and color your own hair videos geez.

                • Not really because we go to school and pay $15,000+
                  To know what we do. And how to do it.

                  • Mary Binkley

                    Same here and we are very good stylists experienced if anyone deserves to charge it would be us lol

                    • Lauren Dotson

                      There are so many great hair stylists at a fair price if we are on a frugal site it’s just more sensible to find one that’s reasonable and fair. 
                      Some charge for their ego.

                      • Betty White

                        That’s my recipe too - family secret. They make great cinnamon rolls, those breads are damn good...

                        • Lauren Archer

                          I agree. He should have told her it would be added on.
                          And there’s def a lot more to learn.
                          So I’m gonna get back every penny of my $20,000 I spent.
                          But in the right way, not just adding blind services.
                          I always go out of my way to ask about budget and affordability

                        • How to do it “right” could mean several things to you I guess lol.
                          I have a heart for my guests.
                          But I don’t worry about their pocket book.
                          Or try and save face
                          Because I’m a professional and they come to me looking for service.
                          I’m not for deals and discounting my product or time.
                          People could be doing so much better if charged their worth.
                          All in all if you (OP) don’t want to pay the $80.00.
                          Someone else will because they all have growing hair on their heads.

                        • If you love his work make your next appointment letting him know you must have the $55 to stay a client and see what he says. He may have spaced that you don’t usually get a blowout. In my case, I must stay with my hairdresser man because he knows how to cut my hair and shape my beard the correct way that I feel comfortable wearing my dress style, I pay $100.00 every 45 days month and 1/2.

                          • Ava Anderson

                            Explain to him that you will only ever want him to do exactly what you request for services. If you aren’t clear about expectations you will forever be changing service providers.

                          • I don't think you should have to pay for a blow-dry that you didn't ask for in the first place., watch videos to learn how to cut your hair yourself, you can fix it. Lol

                          • I would speak to him and tell him how you feel about it or if you like the way he does your hair. Just speak up next time you don't want it styled.

                            • Julia Garner

                              I would call and talk about it, asking why the price difference. If you are inclined to switch, it’ll be easier asking on the phone and not going back if you don’t like the answer. And you never know, he may offer a refund and apologize!

                              • Jade Tailor

                                As a service provider myself - if your happy with him stay but let him know you’d like to stick within your budget !

                                • Susan Collins

                                  I would change hairdressers. You must have friends or acquaintances that have haircuts that you like. Ask them who does their hair.

                                  • Axolotl Baby

                                    I'd nvr say "usual" as they have so many customers they may never remember your order.
                                    At payment / checkout time, I would  have contested it then. Since you didn't, it's fair they charged that & you've already paid since they did that so
                                    Do you really want to go thru getting another good hairdresser with prices, location, svcs, & available days/times? That part is up to you.
                                    The only way to guarantee what i want is to specify each time. Their brains are full. GL

                                  • Keep him and politely talk to him. Hair dressers want your business as much as you like getting your hair done.

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