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- How Donald Trump And Elon Musk Will Save The Ticktock App To Keep It Operating In US? At the time Donald Trump was president in the first term, he was the first president who said that China should be banned because they were collecting...
- If I had $50,000 dollars to invest, where or which stocks are the better paid for me to invest the money?I listen several videos and being reading lots of business books from people who claim they had it done because they are professionals in stock...
- What Are The Property Homes and Building Mortgage Refinance Rates So Far In 2025?I'm interested on finding out information about refinancing homes and properties to supply my real estate customers with the best mortgage refinancing deals.What are...
- If You Could Go Back To College And Study What Career Will You Consider Studying?. I'm asking that because I feel sometimes that I should study law and then I feel I'm too old and that is only for kids who came out from high-school education. I...
- Any Reliable Life Insurance in Miami FL, Please Recommendations. I seen many of my friends and family dying young from Cobid and other deseases like Cancer etc.. The last years aright after father died I started thinking that it is a good...
- Cute Elephants Aren't The Only Wild Animals In Africa.I think these animals in this list are at the top, and they are cute in there own ways too:Wild dog, Black Rhino, Cheetah, Lion, Giraffe, Gorillas, Hippopotamus, Leopard, Zebra, African buffalo,...
- I think it's probably important to all of us that people we love and respect are proud of us, for something. I am notorious for saying I don't care if people like me or not, or are proud of me or not. And that is true on many levels,...
- After Watching The Video I Want to Ask: Why New Born Baby Elephant Can't Stand Right Away, Is It Too Weak?If you love this baby Elephant video, join to the group to answer my question, please....
- Te facts are that when I'm young under 50 and 65 years old, I should work to achieve the age of retirement int he United States or the country you living now and then moving to buy a small land with a home or a cabin and plant some plantains to...
- We just moved into our rental home in late August, 2021 and every single night since we moved in, have heard a vibrating sound in our bedroom! When we first heard it, we thought it was his phone ringing but only on vibrate. But neither of our phones...
- What Elon Musk is Looking With Space Travel? Elon has failed many times and wasted millions of dollars from his personal fortune. Maybe the main question is What is it? Money or the simple adventure for space travel? He pays to build spaceships to...
- Hacker Karma WiFi Attacks Danger On Open Free WiFi Networks Use an always-on VPN for the laptop. desktop. TV computers and Mobil devices ( hire the best service in full ): If you’re connecting to a public WiFi network, it’s a good practice to use a...
- Driving And Avoiding Car Wrecks or Vehicle Accidents On The Roads I think that prevention is always the best way to avoid troubles concerning to driving on the United States roads. It is a very easy task, but many people are driving...
- I always recommend books about how to buy home properties are good to learn the Real Estate business by learning the secrets of finding great properties before the bank authority send them to public knowledge, for a change. With a few dollars these...
- To see the End Of The World, Look For the Bugs. Not just the bees, all insects are gone. 50% in last 30 years. The remaining won't take 30 years to extinct. We're toast. End Of Oil 2040 - End of Civilization 6* ^ this century. Poles...
- Do you see ghost at Old Man's Cave here in Ohio? This is my extremely inquisitive 4 yr old daughter. I took this on Sunday at Old Man's Cave here in Ohio. Before you "nay sayers" get on here & "it's just the sun beam" me to death, I...
- How Google Ranks Websites To Rank On Top Of Front Page Search Results? I found out the answer to this issue many web designers, web creators, and professional webmasters worldwide were looking for. The famous "Page Experience " won't make...
- When I Go to Sleep at My Bedroom, I Get a Very Strong Smell Like Damp Earth It's So Strong, What Could Be?? When i go to sleep at my bedroom, i get a very strong smell like damp earth it's so strong, What could be? Every now and then...
- Creepy things that’s happening to me as I type this post: I’m on a possible weird haunted phonecall with my nearest pharmacy trying to get my prescriptions switched over. Third time today I’ve tried this. This time I actually talked with...
- I noticed that when asking to a 100 people different ages and society locations, an average of 85% said they are unhappy because they can't make more money to live comfortable with their family. They also said they are saving money every month to be...