Ivana Love Watson

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The Wire

    • Ivana Love Watson
      I watched it too, watched it the way with a cup of strong coffee.
      • Ivana Love Watson
        There's a very large spider in my bedroom - and I'm a big baby so I'm terrified of it. Someone send help, help me please. I tried doing the nice thing and picking it up on paper to put it outside and not kill it and it got mad and crab walked away. I have hot shot to spray at it if it gets to close to me, but also I'm just incredibly apprehensive. Seriously, I'm terrified in the fetal position on my bed right now. Idc if this makes me sound like a baby. I have my reasons. It's hiding in the shadows!!
        • Ivana Love Watson
          I cannot fathom how many times in my life that I have spent over (explaining to myself) instead of just chillin without needing anybody to validate me or understand my beliefs!

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