Elissavet Lemoni


I always tell my friends.. if I don't show up to your meetings, just move on and don't wait for me because I probable sleeping and dreaming of you all together.
That's a trick I learn from my last boyfriend, i still miss him when he left me for a boyfriend, i hope they are happy dating in Europe. oh well, I put it on the experience side and move on without him.

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The Wire

    • Elissavet Lemoni
      Donald Trump is a serious nightmare, he just doesn't want to go away, and now he wants to get paid for leaving us alone. He only cares about his pockets and bank accounts and never the future of the U.S.
      • Elissavet Lemoni
        There are airs of anger going on around the world right now. There's gotta be a better way to live together inside this world.
        • Elissavet Lemoni
          So today I had to sit with a co-worker while she ate a hamburger. I wasn’t prepared for it, because I’ve been working from home for a while and never sit with meat eaters if I don’t have to. Today, I was around more animal products than I’ve been around in a long time (not including being in grocery stores) I just wish I didn’t ever have to be around disgusting meat, I know about the cruelty and suffering behind these items and it makes me so disgusted in every way now!
          • Elissavet Lemoni
            I can smell the fear and self doubt of "adulting" from here, some people need to grow up and see the reality of the world before it bites them in the rear!
            • Elissavet Lemoni
              I overall got two A's and B's on my Midterms and raised my GPA to a 3.2! (I know, not amazing but for my school a 2.3 is passing) Time to make popcorn and binge watch some Netflix movies tonight!

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