Lauren Archer


If you ever meet somebody who call gatorade flavors the actual name of the flavor instead of just the color then they are 100% a cop lol


Shovel Racing


My Salinger Year and Stowaway

Preferred Color #E6975B
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    • Lauren Archer
      I just went for a walk and three strange guys followed me the whole way, what a fright !!! The Lord Almighty always protects me. Waking up is much more than opening your eyes, is smiling to life and saying, "thank you God for this beautiful day you have given me".
      • Lauren Archer
        This is proof that some of your single friends will keep you single. There’s this girl I was cool with and when I was single it was cool. She operates in this “I hate men” energy. That was never the wavelength I was on but none the less we were still cool. When I got in a relationship she was literally upset. She sent me a message saying “Eff him ughhhh” blah blah blah. She did the same with another girl she was cool with she got mad with her and was like “we supposed to be single” Tell me why this girl blocked me on everything because I got in a relationship and am happy in it. All I’m saying is people have to be careful. Be wary of what your “friends” be putting in your head because some people are miserable and need the company.
          • Ava Anderson

            I definitely had a lady stopped engaging me once I got in a relationship, when we were both single she was cool but once I got a relationship she changed up on me. Came back around and over after I got married, but then ghosted me again. Lol

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          • Lauren Archer
            The book I’m reading right now is so deep that you really have to be in a certain space to absorb the message it’s trying to convey. I find myself so compelled by some of the words that I’m rereading the pages three times to allow it to truly resonate. I’m over here getting chills, my eyes watering, not because somethings sad but that’s just how profound it is.
            • Lauren Archer
              Newsflash!! I wasn't "allowed" to go to my doctor's appointment today. They made me reschedule because I have a COLD! Nothing more, and nothing less, than a common cold. It's kind of like a mechanic telling you that they won't work on the transmission in your car because it's not in good working order to begin with. Hahahaha hahaha!!! Wow!
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