Betty White


Hello, Nice to be here. Than You for admitting me.

I go to tell everyone that I'm a kind Nutritionist working a hospital and I'm in charge of the kitchen and feeding all medical workers and patients too.

The other part of my life was many years ago when I was marry to this wonderful loving man and now he is gone because he eat way too mach pizza and drunk sodas and whisky.
From that moment i decided that I wanted to study nutrition and better ways to eat and not die early from being heart fat. It is simple, we need to eat moderated and never abuse of the rich in fat and sugars foods because of the dangerous thread about diabetes. I decided to study and become a diabetes nutritionist, or better known as diabetes specialist dietitian. I also take care about children diets and their respective amount of nutrition per dish.


 Tennis, Golf, motorcycle racing NASCAR, swimming at my swimming pool.


Selah and the Spades, Bad Education, Bull, I’m No Longer Here (Ya No Estoy Aquí), The Story of Fire Saga, Forest Gump.

Insurance CompanyStandard Insurance Company, State Farm Insurance
Date Today
Preferred Color #1C6B9C
List of Hobbies

Let me see, which are my hobbies...
I like to watch art projects of art and decoration, video games playing.          


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    • Betty White
      Betty White posted to Statuses & Comments
      I just had this conversation with my friends yesterday but, I believe long terms of celibacy/abstinence is the key to finding power within and over yourself. When your body is comfortable and familiar with being without you gain your power in the ability to walk away from something that does not serve you. That power is less likely to be in you if you have not found comfortability in abstinence and being alone. That’s where attachments form.
        • Jenny Martinez

          I need to be in that friends group my 2 cents are too long. I don't fully disagree, but I think it has more to do with boundaries and restraint. Let's just say I don't have s3x for 4yrs. It's not really abstinence, I just don't give it out unless I'm sure they are worth it. I feel like people should have better control and restraint over their urges, and that can also mold stronger relationships.

          Leave a comment
          • Jenny Martinez

            I need to be in that friends group my 2 cents are too long. I don't fully disagree, but I think it has more to do with boundaries and restraint. Let's just say I don't have s3x for 4yrs. It's not really abstinence, I just don't give it out unless...

          • Betty White
            Betty White posted to Statuses & Comments
            Hello Jimmy Swaggart. Why are You speaking Portuguese and selling cotton candy at the carnival? No, I'm sorry, I already know Jesus.. But if you need him, he went that-a-way. xP
            • Betty White
              Betty White posted to Statuses & Comments
              I’m so annoyed, I’ve had this number since I was 17 and this man really about to make me change it after all these years ……When it comes to fight or flight I typically chose flight. I leave relationships I’m not sticking around! He keeps trying to contact me all day, all week , weeks … numbers …emails …. You name it he got it. Obsession is real!
              • Betty White
                Betty White provided an answer for the question Should I Talk With A Pet Psychic About My Dead Cat?
                The cat missed him for sure. I took my Boss to be let go across the rainbow bridge a few years ago (pretty sure poor kitty had intestinal cancer based on other symptoms asides me being a people nurse)... I KNOW when I got home from letting him over...
                • Betty White
                  Betty White provided an answer for the question Do You Think I'm Crazy
                   Me too. Every bit! I do that with everything from Olive oil to shampoo!
                  • Betty White
                    Betty White provided an answer for the question How do you get rid of a curse?
                    Hmmm I will definitely be visiting when I come up that way! Just need to move back down here!
                    • Betty White
                      Betty White posted to Statuses & Comments
                      I am not the bigger person, you better leave me tf alone! It's all fun and games til the day I am naming names, backed up with some screenshot frames. I keep my word and e😜ect the same. You're teasing fire and I am nothing but flame! I have never been interested in competing with anybody, but depend myself from EVERYBODY.

                    Statuses & Comments

                      • Betty White
                        I just had this conversation with my friends yesterday but, I believe long terms of celibacy/abstinence is the key to finding power within and over yourself. When your body is comfortable and familiar with being without you gain your power in the ability to walk away from something that does not serve you. That power is less likely to be in you if you have not found comfortability in abstinence and being alone. That’s where attachments form.
                          • Jenny Martinez

                            I need to be in that friends group my 2 cents are too long. I don't fully disagree, but I think it has more to do with boundaries and restraint. Let's just say I don't have s3x for 4yrs. It's not really abstinence, I just don't give it out unless I'm sure they are worth it. I feel like people should have better control and restraint over their urges, and that can also mold stronger relationships.

                            Leave a comment
                          • Betty White
                            Hello Jimmy Swaggart. Why are You speaking Portuguese and selling cotton candy at the carnival? No, I'm sorry, I already know Jesus.. But if you need him, he went that-a-way. xP
                            • Betty White
                              I’m so annoyed, I’ve had this number since I was 17 and this man really about to make me change it after all these years ……When it comes to fight or flight I typically chose flight. I leave relationships I’m not sticking around! He keeps trying to contact me all day, all week , weeks … numbers …emails …. You name it he got it. Obsession is real!
                              • Betty White
                                I am not the bigger person, you better leave me tf alone! It's all fun and games til the day I am naming names, backed up with some screenshot frames. I keep my word and e😜ect the same. You're teasing fire and I am nothing but flame! I have never been interested in competing with anybody, but depend myself from EVERYBODY.
                                • Betty White
                                  I invite you to post and share your baby pictures just like I did a few days ago. When posting images or photos you might have of your cute babies, just open an album and upload everything there and then say anything nice. This is my album Thanks.
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