Kelley Jakle


I am as real and grounded and real and grounded can be, For example, I thought a massive strike in my region at the electric company in the 80's was an adventure as I was only a 5 years old! Our family had a gas cooker so my Momma could still make our dinner and me, my brother, and all my little cousins visiting sat and ate it by candlelight that whole week. I thought it was cozy and fun. It wouldn't be so for the kids of today though- they'd be crying over no smartphones or gaming technology.

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    • Kelley Jakle
      If all of my body systems do not feel at peace around you then I gotta let you go. Especially nervous system, circulatory system, and digestive system. Always trust your instincts and take good care of your mental and emotional state as well as your general health too. Avoid toxic and negative people to have a happy and healthy life.
      • Kelley Jakle
        I swear I can’t stand a mood swingy, bratty dude. It’s such a turn off. If anybody should be acting like that it’s me.
        • Kelley Jakle
          I really do feel like there is an attack on the female anatomy with these feminine products. Every time you turn around something that was supposed to be good for us is being dismantled. This is why I’m learning how to make all of my own products.
            • Ally Brooke

              Look into the research for childhood trauma and those diseases and don’t even look into the Essure thing lol I went down a rabbit hole and was so scared for these women!

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              • Kelley Jakle

                It’s not wonder so many women be having menstrual problems or hormone imbalances , or infertility, endometriosis , PCOS ,etc. these products are made for us but yet do the most damage.

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              • Kelley Jakle
                Don’t forget to let people know you appreciate them and the things they do. It be the simplest “Thank you” and “I appreciate you” that allows people to continue to do what they do. Appreciation can carry a long way. When people no longer feel appreciated they no longer feel purpose in their service.
                • Kelley Jakle
                  I is heart breaking feeling to see the Trump followers falling for his lies and evil words. I hope my country find the way to solidify again and become one American country again. God Bless Our America Country USA.

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