Elizabeth Reagan


People are individuals just like you and me, and I like to have all of them admiring me and looking at my images uploaded in social media. I'm not the only one but there are more than a thousand people in the USA doing the same.
I have a girlfriend who posts all day long about her life and her stuff.
most my minutes are employed on working at the office and then the other part of the day at my place logged in online.


Hockey on Ice and Softball.

Insurance CompanyGeico insurance for the vehicle.
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Preferred Color #8AE234
ProfessionOnline Underwriter Professional

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The Wire

    • Elizabeth Reagan
      My husband took his wedding ring off when he was trying to convince his one night stand fling that he was divorcing me…that was almost a couple of years ago. Things are slowly turning around but it’s been a brutal emotional rollercoaster. Even though we decided to work on our marriage, he still refuses to put his ring on, which is painful for me when he never took it off before. I am still struggling with insecurity and this isn’t helping. I say if you’re in it to win it, you put your ring back on. I told him I don’t want to be married to a man who isn’t proud to wear his ring, anymore than he would marry woman who refused to take his last name.
      • Elizabeth Reagan
        I am proud of lots of things, and ashamed and embarrassed by many other things. Be that as it may, the fact that we as Americans have the freedom to choose things is the most important of all. Our democracy has spoken a lot the last several years. For now, we NEED to keep spreading love and kindness. See how it heals and encourages others. Please, get a grip and be the solution of all problems! If you are worried about the welfare of women, minorities, members of communities, and so on, then please get out there and support their events, interests, and movements because actions speak louder than words!!
        • Elizabeth Reagan
          Somebody (I have no idea who) has been trying to hack into multiple accounts of mine. I don't know why. It's really a pain having to change my passwords every few months-year. There is just too many online passwords to change One of the log in attempt IPs was supposedly from Orlando, FL. And I've been getting phishing emails for my Payoneer for a week straight. Be careful.
          • Elizabeth Reagan
            Today in a parking lot a lady drove up next to us, parked her car and proceeded to tell us this long complicated story about being from out of town, her luggage was at the airport, they wouldn't let her write a check for $12. Many holes in her story. Regardless, if we had $12 we would have given it to her. My boyfriend said "I'm sorry, we don't have any cash on hand (which was true)." She hung her head and sighed. He asked "do you need directions to anywhere" She said "Never mind" and told her kids in the back seat "It's because we are black." I told her "that's very rude." Just because we are white doesn't mean we judge by color. I'm sure my black niece would have been surprised to hear that. Through her whole story she kept saying "I'm not a bad black mom." I'm sorry, but teaching your kids that people do not like them because they are black and we are white makes her a bad mom. Her false accusations hurt my feelings and were uncalled for.

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