Axolotl Baby


Hello! I'm just an animal lover and pet vet somewhere in the middle west of the United States.
Which came first, the Axolotl eggs or adult? Well, since Axolotl baby care does not begin at the larva growth stages but at the egg, we say the good ol' EGG! Did you know that these unusual species can reach maturity without going through metamorphosis?! It is called Neoteny Axolatl. They are also able to regenerate their body organs and limbs very quickly! Some people call them fish, but they are salamanders.


Snow sports.

Preferred Color #EC8ED7
List of Hobbies

Plating small trees and vegetable plants on my garde, feeding fish o he Lake of Michigan.

    • Axolotl Baby
      Axolotl Baby posted to the wire
      I once dated an animal hunter many moons ago and the ironic thing is that I was volunteering at 'In Defense of Animals' at the same time. Of course I knew I shouldn’t have, but I was young. It just amazes me when I think back on the things I used to allow in my life. I’m way more picky about who I allow in my life these days.
      • Axolotl Baby
        Axolotl Baby posted to the wire
        Good people's hearts will always deceive them when it's not aligned with truth, no matter how good they are.
        • Axolotl Baby
          Axolotl Baby posted to the wire
          I have never been a “pay me back” “you owe me” “I did this for you so I need something in return” kind of person. If I GOT YOU, I GOT YOU. If more people adopted this mindset, this world would be a better place. I think keeping tabs is a little ridiculous.
          • Axolotl Baby
            Axolotl Baby posted to the wire
            Happy Father's Day to the love of my life, my friend, and partner in crime. The love you have for our little ones is more valuable than anything money can buy. We are so blessed to share a life with you. I know life is hard and it's easy to get caught up in the frustrations of the daily grind, I know I don't say it enough, but I am proud of you and grateful for the light you bring to our lives. Thank you for all that you do for our family.
            • Axolotl Baby
              Axolotl Baby posted to the wire
              So dealing with grief is weird. I'll be fine, and then the next minute I'm overwhelmed and not fine and then a couple hours later I'm okay again. Idk. I want to feel my feelings still in a healthy way. I am usually distracted because I've been busy. I hear that writing a letter to your loved one helps, I may try that soon. I have been trying hard to remain diligent and positive, but sometimes it's just hard to do.
              • Axolotl Baby
                Axolotl Baby commented on the blog Autistic Children Of America
                From my 13 y.o autistic kid sister (I am now her caregiver): “Being autistic doesn’t mean that we’re all the same. We are unique in all ways, from artistic all the way to being brilliant people. We are just as human as everyone else. I find it hard...Read more
                • Axolotl Baby
                  Axolotl Baby posted to the wire
                  I keep thinking it is getting easier to manage myself day by day, but then someone brings it up again or asks me how I am/things are and I just start crying after I talk to anyone. All the memories just flood back in again. My kid sister says there is no shame in letting my emotions out- but I really don't like to in front of people because I feel like it makes both myself and them uncomfortable.
                  • Axolotl Baby
                    Axolotl Baby posted to the wire
                    I just wanted to say an extremely big thank you to all the friends and family who have reached out to us. The community of friend's of my fathers who have reached out to us too and provided comfort and support by sharing wonderful stories they had of Dad. I don't think I could ever accurately say in words how appreciative my family and I are to have people who love us and care so much. I don't really know when if this will ever get any easier. But I am so thankful everyday. Dad would be immensely overwhelmed with happiness to know how many people cared for him and his family. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.