

Hello! I'm the administrator of Book Of Likes "bookoflikes". I lived in Florida and Illinois United States for a little while. My kids are 'grown up' and they now refuse to consider me as their Dad, even though I was a 100% wonderful father to them in every single way (when allowed, that is). So sad that they believe lies about me and hide from the truth but oh well, life goes on and keeps moving forward. I'm a very simple website designer and expert in maintaining platforms online. I install and develop stores online with pieces of software that have a $0.00 cost to customers because they are software from the open source  and the only price cost is about installing and maintaining online the sites with products for sale. I'm so glad you found us, contact by using the contact page. Thank You!


Soccer, Swimming, and Martial Arts Kung Fu


Titanic, The Hunger Games, TV Shows like Dark, The Rain , Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, etc.

Insurance CompanyGeico Car Insurance, Home Insurance with State Farm
Date Today
Preferred Color #E20303
List of Hobbies

I love to go outfields and practice martial arts, writing books, watching birds, going the beach, and watching TV

ProfessionWeb Designer, Administrator

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Group membership

  • How To?

    How To?

    175 members
    How to do things, how to find best answers, how to make a new car, how to find love, how to cook pancakes, how to find best recipes, how to prepare delicious food dishes,
  • 6 Ways To Improve California Hybrid Repairs

    6 Ways To Improve California Hybrid Repairs

    176 members
    California Hybrid Repairs, maintenance on hybrid cars. hybrid car repair shops, free of charge, crossbreeds
  • Is VPN Safe Should I Use It As A Chrome Extension?

    Is VPN Safe Should I Use It As A Chrome Extension?

    173 members
    Should I consider using a Free VPM App in my mobile phone and computer Browsers, or it is better to pay a fee for their service?
  • Expats Travel

    Expats Travel

    242 members
    Life Expats inside Costa Rica, there are more than 200,000 American, Canadian and Europeans expats living inside this country

Statuses & Comments

    • Gino
      I We sold BookOfLikes, probable we'll buy TikTok right away and keep it in the US. That deal will keep 170 million Americans users happy all the way.
      • Gino
        Had a heartwarming e😜erience at a Miami Walgreens today. I asked the man checking me out if he was ready for Christmas. In a thick accent he assured me he was. Me: You have shopped and decorated? He: Oh, I didn't do it. My wife did. She made everything pretty. Are you ready? Me: I'm going to go visit family out of state that I haven't seen in a long time! He: Oh, they'll give you a large king's chair and gather around you with prayers! #humblebrag #humbled
        • Gino
          The greatest virtue a person can have is humbleness.
          • Gino
            A Penny-Pinching Food Tip!: Five-can poor person soup is the cornerstone of the menu when you are barely scraping by and it's really easy. You open your cupboards, grab the 1st 5 cans of anything you see and are always on hand like a container of vegetable or chicken broth and you throw it all together in the slow cooker with 5 cans of water and enough of your favorite seasonings to run off anyone who might be tempted to get into your pot, and cook it all unload overnight. You can eat off of this for several days!

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