Covid 19 Went to Second Place With No Fear For Many Countries Instead Economics Taken Over The Worries

If the economic situation is a stronger matter that has taken over the thoughts from a big majority of countries in the world and the Coronavirus with it's disease Covid19 has gone to second place or i mean it got ran over by economic worries. Then it could mean that people is not afraid to die anymore? I think people never want to be responsible for anything, and I mean, at least a 70% of people in the world just don't care about others health issues, if they are sick and die, for those people the thing is to make lots of money and that's it.
Kind of what our president in the US said many times "Money and More Money, let's make America Rich Again" or something like that.
People want to get a job, if they were fired or just lost their jobs, and now they want to work and money to pay their bill, and have fun on their spare time. They lost their fears, the virus does't represent a threat to them anymore and they want freedom, to go out and do things just like before the pandemic. The next picture is about the Coronavirus, and the Covid19 "It is a draw by 10 years old my son".
If a million individuals die because of the contamination and because prior to that pandemic they were already sick with diabetes type 1 and 2, high blood pressure, a cancer, a heart failure, leukemia or so on on disease, to the 70% that I mentioned above, it doesn't matter at all, they don't care if their mother, father or their own kids are gone in the group affected by the sick virus.
if you believe that this is happening right now and you prefer to keep quiet, not to mention anything about it, feel free, this is America, the land of Freedom. However, if you want to comment about this blog, then, you are welcome to do so.
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- Collin Basham commented on the discussion topic I Realized That Many People Did Not Lose Their Jobs and Income During Covid 19 Pandemicit was a nightmare and I hope it doesn't come back because people usually make stupid decisions up about it.
- Ron E Peterson commented on the question If I gave you 100k right now what would you do with it?I will sit at my living room cough and order pizza and watch lots of sports games on my TV
- Candice Bergen commented on the discussion topic I Realized That Many People Did Not Lose Their Jobs and Income During Covid 19 PandemicPeople got their jobs back nd as a matter of fact, they have more job offers available now.
- Karla commented on the discussion topic I Realized That Many People Did Not Lose Their Jobs and Income During Covid 19 PandemicSome people started working from their homes for their companies and that worked great for them.
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- If I gave you 100k right now what would you do with it? it seems that the U.S. Decided to blow lots of money for free!. I personally, will buy a small land and build a little cabin in the woods and live off the grid.
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