Nick Williams


I'm sure that working is a great stress relief to me, for that reason i'm very strict with my job schedule and I always on time to work.
I visit my relatives and share with them ideas and tips about building houses, about improving their bedrooms, garage, laundry room, kitchen at their homes.
We are actually a large family with several pets as members in our families.
I have a Toyota Truck and a Ford sport utility vehicle to travel while in vacations with my wife.


American sports only.

Insurance CompanyUniversal Insurance Agency for my Auto insurance, 3542 W Walnut St · (972) 859-0330 with onsite services and Online appointments.
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    • Nick Williams
      f I had to be completely honest with myself…I am tired. I am tired and its not a physical tiredness … its a very … you know, its in the soul. Its like im freaking tired and broken. Tired of going through this s***. Im tired of everything not working out and im just like … i really tried, and … i can’t not lie and say its not like ‘you dont wanna live’ kind of thing. Its more of : if god were sitting across from me right now, there would be a part of me that would just go up to him and say “listen, im done. I cant do this anymore. Im just physically and mentally spent and im done”. And its a silent battle, too. Its a battle kind of hide from the world and from the people I love and the people I want to love and the people who wants to love me because … who wants a broken person? You know, its like, if they knew … if the people in my life knew how broken i am, would they stay? And that raises the question, like “how do i fix this? Can i fix this? I dont know yet, but I am still driven to try though.
        • Sara S. Moulton

          Broken people are my favorite. They are real. Life is not pretty...all the time. Life is hard. It's through the hardest experiences that my love for life, and the people in my life is born. I have had a lifetimes worth of suffering doled out to me a few times. It gives me a lot of hard, but it also allows me to fully envelope and appreciate the things that go right or surprise me. Our existence can be painful, got to keep plodding on and living for the best moments.

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        • Nick Williams
          Companies fool ya because f their fancy packaging with fancy words which should be illegal. The front of most products is for entertainment and the back is for education. Everything on the front of packages is usually to get you to buy it but the back tell the actual truth! #tips
            • Rayner Cosper

              This is so true Dude! People tend to not read the actual ingredients they just look at the "buzz" words. These companies always get over on consumers! Same way with these food products that are "organic" or "plant based" and have whey, casein, and preservatives on the ingredients list.

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            • Nick Williams
              You ordered buttered noodles at every fancy restaurant You shrieked when your T shirts contained tags You couldn’t stand the feeling of seams in your socks and would always turn them inside out You had no friends besides your parent’s friends children that were forced to play with you and would reluctantly do so You were bullied heavily Despite that you didn’t necessarily look different You weren’t mean either You oftentimes escaped your body in stressful situations And would get reprimanded for “being in your own little world” You’d be harassed quietly and rebuttal loudly you’d be the only person disciplined You were described as “quirky and a little... off?” Your family friends said you’ll “grow out of it” Your parents took you to an appointment at an early age in which you were asked a series of questions you barely understood You just wanted to play with the cool putty over in that corner They put you on a pill that made you tired and caused weight gain You’d go back every couple of months to put your feet in corn & rice with objects you’d have to pick out with your toes You’ve never had a boyfriend A best friend Or even a slumber party Your only friend is twice your age You only get along with little kids and those older than yourself Your peers seem alien When you finally get a significant other you’re not sure what to do and usually rush they also become your whole focus or perhaps the opposite You get your first job and it’s grade school all over again They all talk behind your back bully you trying to invoke a reaction you are sexually harassed you finally breakdown you’re having a melt down at work nonetheless You report these happenings to your higher-ups they fire you and suggest you “grow up” Welcome to the world of autism, it can be cruel.
                • Carla Gifts

                  A lot applies to me, but some does not, I suspect being female, undiagnosed and learning very early on to mask and mimic meant no appointments or medications. But the bullying in school and workplace, clothing tags, ordering the same thing at restaurants (Vegemite sandwiches were my jam - pun intended - for years), being considered odd or weird, having the local shop keepers as my only friends when I was little through to being in my 30s and most friends being 50+. That's why I like groups and posts, I feel less alone reading this.

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                • Nick Williams
                  I love a clear blue sky, yet I'm enthused by a rainy day. I like how it washes my blues away. Some day I hope to see what my life really means to me. Is it worthy or is it not? Why am I always so deep in thought? Red rover, red rover, just turn me right over. And show me a day when I can head the right way! Okay?
                  • Nick Williams
                    Just had a wonderful revelation. I have always been afraid and controlled by fears and anxiety feeling like a knife in the heart or the back. I have always bent over backwards to avoid it. My new mantra is "please help me rise above my worries. I don't need it anymore. Thank you. " Feels wonderful and very freeing. Wow ! I amazed. I have been battling inside for quite a while and the last 48+ hours straight, really on the edge. Thank you for being here. Means so much to have a place to vent.
                    • Nick Williams
                      Nick Williams posted to Statuses & Comments
                      f I had to be completely honest with myself…I am tired. I am tired and its not a physical tiredness … its a very … you know, its in the soul. Its like im freaking tired and broken. Tired of going through this s***. Im tired of everything not working out and im just like … i really tried, and … i can’t not lie and say its not like ‘you dont wanna live’ kind of thing. Its more of : if god were sitting across from me right now, there would be a part of me that would just go up to him and say “listen, im done. I cant do this anymore. Im just physically and mentally spent and im done”. And its a silent battle, too. Its a battle kind of hide from the world and from the people I love and the people I want to love and the people who wants to love me because … who wants a broken person? You know, its like, if they knew … if the people in my life knew how broken i am, would they stay? And that raises the question, like “how do i fix this? Can i fix this? I dont know yet, but I am still driven to try though.
                        • Sara S. Moulton

                          Broken people are my favorite. They are real. Life is not pretty...all the time. Life is hard. It's through the hardest experiences that my love for life, and the people in my life is born. I have had a lifetimes worth of suffering doled out to me a few times. It gives me a lot of hard, but it also allows me to fully envelope and appreciate the things that go right or surprise me. Our existence can be painful, got to keep plodding on and living for the best moments.

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                          • Sara S. Moulton

                            Broken people are my favorite. They are real. Life is not pretty...all the time. Life is hard. It's through the hardest experiences that my love for life, and the people in my life is born. I have had a lifetimes worth of suffering doled out to me a...

                          • Nick Williams
                            Nick Williams posted to Statuses & Comments
                            Companies fool ya because f their fancy packaging with fancy words which should be illegal. The front of most products is for entertainment and the back is for education. Everything on the front of packages is usually to get you to buy it but the back tell the actual truth! #tips
                              • Rayner Cosper

                                This is so true Dude! People tend to not read the actual ingredients they just look at the "buzz" words. These companies always get over on consumers! Same way with these food products that are "organic" or "plant based" and have whey, casein, and preservatives on the ingredients list.

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                                • Rayner Cosper

                                  This is so true Dude! People tend to not read the actual ingredients they just look at the "buzz" words. These companies always get over on consumers! Same way with these food products that are "organic" or "plant based" and have whey, casein, and...

                                • Nick Williams
                                  Nick Williams posted to Statuses & Comments
                                  You ordered buttered noodles at every fancy restaurant You shrieked when your T shirts contained tags You couldn’t stand the feeling of seams in your socks and would always turn them inside out You had no friends besides your parent’s friends children that were forced to play with you and would reluctantly do so You were bullied heavily Despite that you didn’t necessarily look different You weren’t mean either You oftentimes escaped your body in stressful situations And would get reprimanded for “being in your own little world” You’d be harassed quietly and rebuttal loudly you’d be the only person disciplined You were described as “quirky and a little... off?” Your family friends said you’ll “grow out of it” Your parents took you to an appointment at an early age in which you were asked a series of questions you barely understood You just wanted to play with the cool putty over in that corner They put you on a pill that made you tired and caused weight gain You’d go back every couple of months to put your feet in corn & rice with objects you’d have to pick out with your toes You’ve never had a boyfriend A best friend Or even a slumber party Your only friend is twice your age You only get along with little kids and those older than yourself Your peers seem alien When you finally get a significant other you’re not sure what to do and usually rush they also become your whole focus or perhaps the opposite You get your first job and it’s grade school all over again They all talk behind your back bully you trying to invoke a reaction you are sexually harassed you finally breakdown you’re having a melt down at work nonetheless You report these happenings to your higher-ups they fire you and suggest you “grow up” Welcome to the world of autism, it can be cruel.
                                    • Carla Gifts

                                      A lot applies to me, but some does not, I suspect being female, undiagnosed and learning very early on to mask and mimic meant no appointments or medications. But the bullying in school and workplace, clothing tags, ordering the same thing at restaurants (Vegemite sandwiches were my jam - pun intended - for years), being considered odd or weird, having the local shop keepers as my only friends when I was little through to being in my 30s and most friends being 50+. That's why I like groups and posts, I feel less alone reading this.

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                                      • Carla Gifts

                                        A lot applies to me, but some does not, I suspect being female, undiagnosed and learning very early on to mask and mimic meant no appointments or medications. But the bullying in school and workplace, clothing tags, ordering the same thing at...

                                      • Nick Williams
                                        Nick Williams commented on the file Possible The Curse Makes Victims
                                        I can only see her eyes at night on the dark.
                                        • Nick Williams
                                          Nick Williams provided an answer for the question How do you get rid of a curse?
                                           You need to get yourself a bag of mojo to protect your home and family x
                                          • Nick Williams
                                            Nick Williams commented on the question How do you get rid of a curse?
                                            I have a black kitty cat at home, love her.
                                            • Nick Williams
                                              Nick Williams provided an answer for the question What Would You Do if Someone Is Dying?
                                              I agree 100%. A week ago my brother passed away in our home from cancer, he would randomly shout out "No, not yet Grandpa, not yet"; Our Grandfather was deceased seven years prior and I could feel his strong presence in the room close to my...
                                              • Nick Williams
                                                Amazing I see it and also several faces in the back and a dog.
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