Driving Cars Experiences in United States

Driving Cars Experiences in United States

I'm sure all of us who drive a vehicle to go work or grocery shopping and running all other errands. We might have some experiences to tell, stories about things that happened to someone we know or personal experiences with the car.

Between my personal experiences that I can tell you is this one that I can't forget:
A few years ago it happened in the state of Florida when I had just a year ago that I had a divorce.
Right after that divorce, the judge decided to give me a Dodge Stratus and my to my ex, the judge gave a Honda accord ex model. Well, it happened that the 4 doors and 4 cylinders passenger Dodge Car have a monthly payment of $400 Dollars to pay per month, a really high payment for a poor man like me. Then. guess what, everyday in my following says where horrible because if I got to pay car insurance ( Geico insurance coverage on that vehicle, considered full a coverage because of the requirements of the finance company)n and i was struggling to get by with the obligations of high payments to keep the car in my life.
I knew that I couldn't agree to bring the car back as a repossession to the car dealer because it will destroy my little credit records.
The, one day like 10:00 am, while I was driving back home in Fort Lauderdale FL, I ask God to take me out from the debt of that car and kept driving it in a strait line without stop sings, but suddenly I seen another vehicle (a Pickup Ford dark color), it was coming toa stop sign, but the vehicle's speed was really fast, so I thought real quick to slow down my speed and then I decided to speed fast myself. Yes, my car got hit by the other vehicle because the driver jumped the stop sign (he forgot that the stop signs are stop signs, regardless) after that tragic  car accident or car collision with physics problem and I went fast to about fifty feet away, still awake but time went really quick and i found myself at a near hospital with a strong  headache.
Right there a road traffic police came over to talk with me, and while talking he told me, not to worry at all because God made that my vehicle was a vehicle total loss and the State Farm from the other vehicle Ford will pay it off. Following with all fo that, the Officer told me he knew a good Car accident lawyer for me to open a court case and win something for my accident sufferings and loss of wages because i won't be able to work for a while.
effectively, all my car payments went away and I got paid a few thousands of Dollars because the Law office had the best collision insurance lawyers and wage loss insurance.
You tell me about your story.

a brief descriptionMy insurance paid for my first work wage, State Farm Insurance paid my car total loss

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