Silvia Katsilometes


Walk like you are a Queen or Walk like you don't care Who any Queen is.


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    • Silvia Katsilometes
      George was just so incredible in "All All Eve". I didn't know until last night while I was doing some reading that the short story that the screen play is based on is actually taken from a short story by a woman named Mary Orr and is supposedly a true e😜erience it's of an actress that was working on Broadway in the 1940. Well, of course you know that means I'm gonna have to look all this up now.
      • Silvia Katsilometes
        I keep having bizzare dreams lately. In my latest odd dream I had somehow gotten a job as understudy to the actress playing Belle in a revival of "Beauty and the Beast" starring David Hasselhoff. Anyway, one night I had to go on for her because she had leukemia and I was so good that everyone wanted to know who I was and what agent I was working but I didn't have an agent. Before I woke up I thought "How confusing." It was so strange!
        • Silvia Katsilometes
          I have an intense fear of spiders I keep trying to overcome. I know most people will just think I'm stupid or a baby about it because I know they are more afraid of us than we are of them.. I don't want them dead or to kill them, I just panic even at the thought of one lurking anywhere where I can't see them. One was hiding under my work table and I couldn't calm myself down it was near my legs. I started panicking. Spring/summer is spider season and we have lots of spiders hanging around leaving egg sacs in our house. I just wish I could get over it, it's been since middle school since I had an incident which left me afraid of them ever since.
          • Silvia Katsilometes
            I just want to brag about my Hubby here for a moment. When I am on any business trip, he always makes sure I call him at a rest stop when I'm driving to know I am safe. And, when I return he always drives and buys me dinner when I get back from my trip, knowing I'm tired and hungry. he will always makes me tea late at night when my tummy is upset.. even though he doesn't want any himself. And, as we are preparing for a big Thanksgiving dinner party at hour home this year, he has helped in every way with no griping whatsoever! He's the most thoughtful, kind, and loving man I have ever met and I'm so gratetful he's in my life everyday, he's one of a kind...I am so in love!
            • Silvia Katsilometes
              A friendly reminder that 8pm is the time to remove your day pajamas and to put on your night pajamas.
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