John Deere
Diddle, diddle, dumpling, my son John, Went to bed with his trousers on; One shoe off, and the other shoe on, Diddle, diddle, dumpling, my son John. John John the piper's son, Stole a pig, and away did run; The pig was eat And John was beat, And John John went roaring down the street ... " RAWR!!! Save The Bacon Porky!!" Hi, I'm John John Deere but most just call me John-John, Johnny or Loco lol and I am an artist and entertainer in Hollywood, been here for almost 8 years now. I love to act, travel, sing, cook, play tennis & football, tell and listen to jokes...just enjoy laughing and living life! Would like to meet new friends, get inspiration for funny performances and for my artwork and to create oxymorons with ha haha!
Brief description: Like what you want to like, everyone has a different taste & that's what makes the world magical !!!!!!!
American Football (NFL), Baseball (MLB), Basketball (NBA).
WWE, Motor Sports auto cars racing and motorcycle racing NASCAR
I love to watch my teams playing and winning, of course.
Entertainment, Foods, Sports, Music, Socializing.
My skills:
Acting, Singing, Business Networking, Cooking, Artistic, Skills
People can call me at this number: Mobile phone: 510-252-5555