John Deere's wire posts
- By John DeereI would have blocked her in and called the police , or at least taken a picture or videotaped her.
- By John DeereSo I just thought about this… a tent pitched inside when the power goes out would have been handy for some especially if you have children and small pets. Fun and warmer. Just things I think about when I can’t sleep. I see a whole home generator in my future. #winter
- By John DeereI had a woman get very mad at me in Walmart parking lot because she wanted me to back up half a football field so she could get the parking space of someone pulling out. It was hard to hold my tongue but at least this year is almost over.
- By John DeerePlease send coffee… I dropped a flash drive off to a friend/customer and instead of putting the drive in his mailbox I put my key fob in there. The car said “no key detected” when I got in but when I shut the door it went away so I just figured it was in my pocket. Got to the next place and the car wouldn’t start. So, if you’re thinking you don’t have it together today, I’m just posting so you feel better and know there are others, aka me, who are out here just barely making it unsupervised. Who thought key fobs were a good idea anyways; don’t they know there are people with ADD who can’t keep track of things to save their lives?! My wonderful Uncle Fred rescued me and I’m headed over to drop the real flash drive off this time. This stuff happens to keep me humble I’m sure. Lmao
- By John DeereIt can help. A few years ago my nephew was getting bullied in school. Nobody would do anything about it, including the principal and I was to the point where I wanted it stopped. I posted about it on social media. His parents saw it and actually knew who I was talking about even without blasting his name, and that was the only thing that stopped it from happening again. I had tons of other people saying the same pos kid was extremely mean to theirs too. It stopped instantly when the parents intervened. This was in 6th grade. Sometimes a little humiliation does wonders.
- By John DeereIf I wanted to dismantle my household, I'd find a mechanic with no experience or interest in cars to tend to my truck, my laundry would be done by someone who's never washed a load, I'd send a neighborhood teen who loves chips and monster drinks to the store for my groceries, and I'd continue to select the least and the lowest to fill all my household roles. I wonder what the outcome would be. And I'd wonder about my motivation.
- By John DeereMaking a plan without knowing the plan makes it so hard to plan but fortunately when working as a truck driver, I know that no plan ever went according to plan.
- By John DeereOmg , that is totally unacceptable!
- By John DeereHappy Heavenly Birthday Dad! On October 10, 1953, the greatest man I’ve ever known was born. What a perfect dad he was to me! I am thankful for his love, encouragement and most importantly, time, his time. He gave me the precious gift of his time. We did things together. We talked. We hugged. We said “I love you” every time we saw or spoke to each other. I absolutely love (loved) him with every ounce of my being! I know that my dad loved me. He showed me each and every day of my life. What a wonderful man! I’m so blessed to have called him “dad.” When he passed away, a major part of me died that day along with him. I have never been the same. Life has never been the same without him. Oh, what I would give to have him back again.
- By John DeereGot locked out of my house for about an hour when I stepped out to pay for the pizza I ordered. Could have been worse, though; I could have been locked out for an hour without pizza. xp
- By John DeereDo you wanna know why so many people are driving around uninsured? Because even when you’re a great driver and have no claims your insurance goes up at renewal time $70+ extra dollars per month. So now we’re back at almost $500/month for “just in case.” It’s about irritating. My rant for the day! #insurance
- By John DeereI got my feelings hurt today. It wasn’t the first time and won’t be the last. A year from now I will see this memory and it will remind me how I felt about the situation.
- By John DeereThe Book Of Likes poem by poet Heather Sweeney that I can personally relate to being an urbexer: 'Home is people's souls. It's not a place. If you go back to a place after souls are gone, then all you see is an empty space. Home is where your heart is, more than where you lay your head. Home is not a place, it's a feeling, a state of mind, not a bed. Earth is our temporary home. Every home is one of a kind. A house is shelter, but a home is love and not a smelter.'
- By John Deere
- By John DeereI’m in a space right now where I’m very, very angry but also very, very calm. I’ve never felt this way before and I’m not sure what to do with it.
- By John DeereLast night I was working late putting out the remaining Christmas stock. It had been a long Friday, I was tired and it was quiet in the store. In the distance I suddenly heard someone singing Christmas carols. As I walked toward the front of the store I saw a large group of carolers assembled. They sang several of the Christmas classics. I enjoyed it because it flashed me back to when I was little and my Grandfather would take us caroling. Beginning to finally feel a little bit like Christmas for me after all. XD
- By John DeereHi all, I haven't been posting much because I have been truly busy with life and stuff. I have been dealing with a minor back injury the last 5 weeks (feeling better) and then getting news of other family health issues, besides spending time with my nephews and working/worrying about finances etc. etc.. It has just been a lot. I am heading to Utah in the next couple of days to stay with my sister and family there for Christmas and will return home by next Tuesday or Wed. So I will be traveling. I may not post much since there is a lot going on atm and I did not want people to worry (I guess?). Anway, I hope everyone has safe upcoming Holidays, New Year 2024 , etc!
- By John DeereAt the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want.
- By John DeereLight travels faster than sound---this is why some people appear bright until they speak. It is also why we squint at the sun because it is bright and we squint at people because they are not.
- By John DeereNormally a huge horse-fly would put me in panic mode but it's funny how it only becomes a minor nuisance when all of a sudden a crap load of the biggest fire ants (I believe that's what they are) all begin attacking your bare legs all at once...I haven't felt this alive in awhile!