Should We Continue clothes Shopping At Goodwill?

Should We Continue clothes Shopping At Goodwill?

It was a long time since I shopped in Goodwill and I got quite a few surprises this week. And I feel doubly bad because I've recommended them to people many times.  I think you might actually be able to stretch your clothing dollars better at other stores, if you shop around little bit.  
My daughter wanted some new clothes so we went to Goodwill.  Donated off a bunch of her old clothes, first surprise was they no longer give you a coupon when you donate.  Second surprise was the prices of the clothes- $19.99 for some of the dresses, $12-15 for the shirts.  Third surprise was, they got rid of their dressing rooms!  My daughter had to try some of the things on over her clothes in the middle of the aisle.  She was able to figure out if everything fit except for this one dress, which didn't fit her once she tried it on at home. Fourth surprise, no returns, Exchanges only, and only if within 7 days.  We live 25 miles from the store, and unless I make a special trip I won't be over there in the next week. So I have to figure if the gas is worth taking this item back and trying to find something in exchange.  I probably won't, so then this item will end up being donated to - you guessed it - Goodwill.  
Then I ask everyone.. Should we continue clothes shopping at Goodwill?
Old Clothing From Goodwill

Answers (34)

  • After Goodwill we went across the street to Target. 
    My daughter found cheaper stuff, brand new, on their clearance racks.
      She was able to try things on in a dressing room, and if she changes her mind about anything I can take it back and get my cash back.
      I think that's the end of clothes shopping at Goodwill for us.
    As much as I like recycling and getting the most out of clothes, it just doesn't make sense anymore. They're the only thrift store around us too.

  • Goodwill is a profit making company. Yes, they do train people and employ people, but it’s a business, like any other.
    Smaller thrift stores work more with volunteers and are glad to get whatever they can for their items. Generally they support a specific cause.
    You might check your area for one you will feel comfortable donating to as well as buying from.
    For example, my husband and dad were both career military.
    We regularly donate to a Thrift Store which helps military families.
    They especially grant scholarships to military dependents for higher education.

  • We donate one who helps pay for medicine for families without insurance and shop there as well and they also help people buy groceries pay bills etc, they literally donate all profit to needy.

  • Salvation Army stores are better places to donate to. Also many towns have mission stores that rely on donations to help the less fortunate.

    • Juliana Tyson

      Do not donate or shop at Goodwill! It's owned by 1 person and he's a multi millionaire bc of low overhead! Shop Salvation Army, cancer Discovery shops, etc. These shops do so much for groups that need it!

      • Enid Matos

        I send all my donations to a community thrift store that helps the needy. It has a food bank connected to it. Everything stays in the community. Never Goodwill!

      • I will go into Goodwill once in a great while for all the reasons you mentioned plus the last few times i did go i got unlucky and had unfriendly unhelpful associates. They acted like they were working at Macy's. It was quite the turn off. I donate to churches and other charities. Thank you for posting this...i was thinking that i was one of only a few who felt this way

      • Cable TV, books ( library keeps them for me) paper towels,
        most cleaners ( vinegar, baking soda and hot water work just fine ),
        subscriptions. Anything on a "Must buy" list.

      • I felt so bad that I have been recommending them. I don’t think they’re very frugal!

      • Retail shops. An honest to goodness nonprofit where the money goes to help others not the owner as with Goodwill.

      • The Salvation Army CEO, who bears a military title, gets $0 or close to it, but not Goodwill.

        • Bill Mayne

          I gave up on Goodwill years ago. Prices got too high and so did the pay for their executive board! We had a place when I was up north called Savers. Used to like them a lot. They even had big clearance days when everything was 50% off. Another I like is Amvets, since my father is a veteran, I like to support them.

          • Bella Thorne

            Unfortunately savers has developed the exact same policies listed above. I’ve stopped going there for the clothes shopping.

            • Anita Joseph

              Unfortunately I don't shop our Goodwill or Salvation Army stores any more. I can find stuff cheaper at Walmart store and the others online.

              • Ally Brooke

                Goodwill near me still has dressing rooms, they never had discounts for donating but they do have regular sale days. You can get a receipt for donations to use on your taxes.

              • I am not a fan of goodwill. They have raised prices, I find a local place that works with volunteers and donates dollars locally. Even Salvation Army is better than Goodwill.

              • OMG that is awful. Our local Goodwill stores are nothing like that! What part of the country do you live in? We have 7 days on all clothing, shoes and electronics with full cash back. Also dressing rooms. They have a few racks with special finds at higher prices but 99% of their merchandise is regular price.

                • Yasmin Lee

                  I do shop Salvation Army but am also lucky enough to have a thrift store that is run by one of our local Christian schools. Their prices are so much lower and really helping a good cause.

                • I've also noticed, the prices. I only get what is the "sale color" v the day. Plus I go on with my mom on the senior day. There r student days, veterans day is everyday, a few others as well.

                  • Lisa Brown

                    No paper towels. I went to goodwill n bought cloth.

                    • Nadia Boyer

                      Also, check and see what the ceo makes in those donations. Sad they take advantage of people who want to help others.
                      I give my stuff to salvation army.
                      Never give anything more to goodwill

                    • I have found this to be true for years … Kohls, Target, Old Navy have better prices than Goodwill and better returns policies, etc …

                    • Yes, I no longer do goodwill and haven't for awhile. I have been able to get better deals and then I am also able to support my local thrift stores that are actually for a cause.

                    • I agree!!!!! So expensive. Free clothes and stuff donated.
                      Big shots over them have to make more money!!
                      Donate to churches and charities that don't feed on people's. Oney

                      • Grainger Long

                        All depends where you are. Goodwills in Rochester, New York charge more like $4.50 for tops, $6 or $7 for pants. The dressing rooms were closed for a while due to Covid, but the ones I go to have 8 dressing rooms open.

                        • Ethan Currier

                          Exactly, I work for Gw and unless she is in a high-class area, no way.

                        • We  use to live in a rural area a few years ago and our GW charges higher prices on name brand items and if there's a store price tag they charge that price. It was  ridiculous.

                          • Luis Alonso

                            The Goodwills here in Houston, Texas have high prices like that too.

                            • Amarie Sieg

                              We live in Rochester, Minnesota west of the Twin Cities, and it’s in a very modest town, definitely not a rich area.

                              • William Smith

                                We have a local shop called OPG Shop. It helps folks get back on their feet, often giving the items to those who really need it.

                                • Rita Wilson

                                  I think it depends on the goodwill and whose pricing at the store because I’ve seen the prices you’re talking about at a couple of our local stores but then at others I seen them honoring their listed prices.

                                • Check out the annual income of the CEO of goodwill.
                                  He’s making a fortune off of your goodwill.
                                  He pays his employees little.
                                  Pays nothing for his inventory, and if you notice there are new goodwill stores going up in very expensive shopping centers.
                                  Go to your local churches or local thrift stores that help your community and not themselves.

                                  • Angela Gray

                                    My father had a accident a few years ago. The medical bills quickly were over a million dollars. Because he had a good car and accident insurance, he wasn’t bankrupted and everything got paid.

                                    • Rebecca Elstrom

                                      Platos closet still seems to have decent prices. Maybe see if there are any thrift stores that support dv shelters or animal shelters in your area, i prefer to go there. i mostly give away and obtain clothes in our buy nothing group.

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