Ally Brooke


I love days like today because it has been a wonderful and productive day for me, I wrote up my two-week notice for the restaurant I  been a waitress at for a while already, I think after 8 long years of working there (and 15 years working in restaurants altogether) it's finally real with no backing out now! I don{t know why but just writing that letter felt like a huge life event. Tomorrow I'm going give the letter to the boss. Yayyy! It's exciting AF, no more being overworked and under appreciated whoopwhoop! I have been there, done that, and moving on. I'm so excited that I will have more freedom. My job isn't going to force me to be somebody I'm not anymore!
Probable making my own business right rom home as an entrepreneur.


Softball, Balleyball, Swimming, Soccer Ball games.


Last Kingdom in Netflix.

Insurance CompanyTitan car insurance affordable auto insurance company. Call phone number (855) 955-1765
Date Today
Preferred Color #A32424
List of Hobbies

Painting, making crafts to sell at the Etsy site store.

ProfessionEntrepreneur, Waitress

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Statuses & Comments

    • Ally Brooke
      Exercising helps me to be a nice girl because when it's shark week aka PMSing then I seriously get so "plssy" as my mom would say. I think she's the only person I have heard use that term Lol I used to use this time of month as an excuse to not workout. Especially after my ovary ruptured and I was having the absolute worst menstural cramps of my life. One day it was so bad that I was looking up ways to relieve it online and the article said exercise would help. It always stuck in my mind but at the time I was like eff that no way but now that I have built the habit of daily exercise and so I don't even worry about cramps because I know that I can relieve them but by doing what I do - working out consistently!
      • Ally Brooke
        For about 15 months I have been telling the doctor to refer me to a dermatologist and every time I hear the same thing " lets try this cream " after they have tried every kind possible and last month he finally referred me to a dermatologist. The dermatologist couldn't understand why they hadn't sent me somewhere before now and why they had never tried treating it internally. Finally someone that is actually going to do everything to get me better. They just prescribed 3 prescriptions 1 is a very strong oral steroid to fight it from the inside out, one is a steroid cream to fight from the outside in and the other is an allergy medicine ( she called it an extra strength Balladry) she said it was chronic eczema but couldn't figure out why the skin wasn't harder. If it doesn't clear up in a month they are going to do a skin scrapping. Hopefully now I can FINALLY get some relief from this persistent rash!
        • Ally Brooke
          I used to spend so much time trying to get back to how I used to be. It was like trying to swim against a current. Life was pushing me in one direction and I kept pushing back in the other. Peace finally entered my life when I understood that I was never supposed to return to my old self and I started embracing this new version of me. A friend of mine spoke those words to me. I remember the day like yesterday when I officially received that understanding. I felt my whole life shift. This is when I truly began to understand the meaning of flow and allowing.
          • Ally Brooke
            Time to cook, clean, and work tonight. Regardless of how I'm feeling..I gotta handle my responsibilities..I DON'T BEG OTHER PEOPLE TO DO IT FOR ME...if you think that was a smart remark towards you, it probably was lol.
            • Ally Brooke
              My sis and I were sitting on the couch watching a scary movie and to the side of us looking head on is our stair case. I have a canvas painting of the beach on the wall going up the stairs and when her and I were sitting there we both looked up at the stairs and the canvas flew off the wall like somebody threw it and it tumbled down the stairs! And when I went to go look the big thick nail was still in the wall! It did not budge at all!! We called mom and she says it is because there is a full moon, I sure hope it it's just from that Lol, crazy!!
              • Ally Brooke
                Ally Brooke posted to Statuses & Comments
                Exercising helps me to be a nice girl because when it's shark week aka PMSing then I seriously get so "plssy" as my mom would say. I think she's the only person I have heard use that term Lol I used to use this time of month as an excuse to not workout. Especially after my ovary ruptured and I was having the absolute worst menstural cramps of my life. One day it was so bad that I was looking up ways to relieve it online and the article said exercise would help. It always stuck in my mind but at the time I was like eff that no way but now that I have built the habit of daily exercise and so I don't even worry about cramps because I know that I can relieve them but by doing what I do - working out consistently!
                • Ally Brooke
                  Ally Brooke provided an answer for the question Anyone Know Of This Recipe?
                  One of my favorite meals. I use one pint of my own home canned tomatoes, 5 layered slices of white bread (I leave the crusts on). Put them all in a pan and stir the crap out of them. Heat on the stove, season with salt, plenty of black pepper, and...
                  • Ally Brooke
                    Ally Brooke commented on Anyone else swipe on...
                    Meeeee!!! Lol
                    • Ally Brooke
                      Ally Brooke posted to Statuses & Comments
                      For about 15 months I have been telling the doctor to refer me to a dermatologist and every time I hear the same thing " lets try this cream " after they have tried every kind possible and last month he finally referred me to a dermatologist. The dermatologist couldn't understand why they hadn't sent me somewhere before now and why they had never tried treating it internally. Finally someone that is actually going to do everything to get me better. They just prescribed 3 prescriptions 1 is a very strong oral steroid to fight it from the inside out, one is a steroid cream to fight from the outside in and the other is an allergy medicine ( she called it an extra strength Balladry) she said it was chronic eczema but couldn't figure out why the skin wasn't harder. If it doesn't clear up in a month they are going to do a skin scrapping. Hopefully now I can FINALLY get some relief from this persistent rash!
                      • Ally Brooke
                        Ally Brooke commented on the blog Autistic Children Of America
                        We would really, really like to hear from more kids. I know it's work, but if you can take a moment to help your child share something, please do! Consider how important it is to help elevate their own voices in a community like this. We would...Read more
                        • Ally Brooke
                          Ally Brooke published a blog post Autistic Children Of America
                          Autism Spectrum Disorder
                            • Cynthia Presley

                              MY best friend is an autistic person and I enjoy talking with her two times a week. She always look to the right and never see me on my eyes, I think that's cute.

                              • Eva Gaytan

                                I really don't want to be not even close to an autistic person because I heard that they have no feelings and they like to avoid conversations and friendships.
                                My friend has a son with that condition and he never want to talk to his dad, also his...

                                • Toni Parker Black

                                  There are thousands of children worldwide with these health conditions. Autistic people are becoming more normal around families, and they are getting used to dealing with family boys and girls learning capabilities.

                                • Ally Brooke
                                  Ally Brooke posted to Statuses & Comments
                                  I used to spend so much time trying to get back to how I used to be. It was like trying to swim against a current. Life was pushing me in one direction and I kept pushing back in the other. Peace finally entered my life when I understood that I was never supposed to return to my old self and I started embracing this new version of me. A friend of mine spoke those words to me. I remember the day like yesterday when I officially received that understanding. I felt my whole life shift. This is when I truly began to understand the meaning of flow and allowing.
                                  • Ally Brooke
                                    Ally Brooke commented on I really do feel like...
                                    Look into the research for childhood trauma and those diseases and don’t even look into the Essure thing lol I went down a rabbit hole and was so scared for these women!
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