Juliana Tyson
I see why people care about me so much! they want to be just like me, this has been happening since I was at highschool and still at college when I was making my career as a registered nurse. I studied at Prism Career Institute in Memphis.
I told my friends " if you want to keep being my friend, then allow me to be the way i'm and never try to change me".
I have to confess, they cook delicious, which means, I can't afford losing them ever.
I grew up with my grandma, you people can figure it out what happened with my real parents. I don't blame them, they had their rights with their lives and split ll over the place without me. stiil, I'm a very happy woman and I work for the living, I like paying my bills..
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The Wire
- Now that I finally have a moment to be still I can officially say I did what I said I was going to do. I moved back to Virginia to purchase my first home. And certainly not my last . 11 months ago I said “ A year from now I’m going to buy a house” and I only half believed it when I said it. This is a reminder that I am a master manifestor and everything I speak comes to fruition every single time . Definitely a long ways I have a came and a even further ways I’m going. Cheers to now being an official home owner!
- People can be investments or people can be bills. Choose wisely!
- Modern society isn't good with sacrifice. We like our comforts, and we don't like giving them up. "No WiFi? HA, NO WAY!" But just a few generations ago, our mothers, grandmothers, and great-great grandmothers all came together and made great sacrifices to help defeat a common enemy that was facing the world. Women went without silk stockings and make up. They gave up their jewelry, in some cases their wedding rings, to be melted down to make buttons for uniforms. They took factory jobs to help make airplanes and other things needed for the effort abroad. They would even went without chocolate, sugar, cigarettes, and other comforts that were on the ration list because they were needed for the soldiers across the ocean. Be humble, people. if you truly believe that love is love then think of others.
- Weell...can't text on my phone anymore because the keypad is screwed up. Until I get my new phone (hopefully tomorrow) People should call to get a hold of me. If you don't have my cell number and want it- let me know. So please DON'T try to text me. This sucks.
- Finally after 3 miserable days, this headache is finally starting to go away. It was gone when I woke up, but then someone made me mad and that stress made it come back, but now it is slowly going away again. I spent the first 3 days of my vacation resting and relaxing, but tomorrow it is time to have fun with my horses. Stephanie, I am happy that I could fix you up and glad that you are feeling better! Keep your ribs wrapped! Jasper is in good hands and I promise to take him for a spin tomorrow. It is going to be a good Friday and weekend for sure!
- Juliana Tyson added the photo White Albino Crocodile to the album My Albino Animals Collection Crocodile Dog Chicken Gorilla Primate
Real beautiful Crocodile, and with blue eyes to attract females too.
It doesn't matter if they are white, red or green, they are ugly and I don't care what people say good about those devouring monsters.
- Juliana Tyson added the photo Albino Crocodile with Blue Eyes to the album My Albino Animals Collection Crocodile Dog Chicken Gorilla Primate
- By Jack Napier
Scary wild alligator, I don't like it's teeth and eyes to be honest.
Who wants to have a pet at their backyard that size, it is a mean monster tho.
- By Billy
I don't think so! It is an ugly gator for sure, A sneaky hunter that can kill and eat a child or a pet cat or dogs. Not nice animal, it is a reptile.
- Juliana Tyson commented on Answer to question Do You Believe Donald Trump Will Defeat Joe Biden in 2024 Elections?I agree 100% with you.
- Juliana Tyson posted to the wireNow that I finally have a moment to be still I can officially say I did what I said I was going to do. I moved back to Virginia to purchase my first home. And certainly not my last . 11 months ago I said “ A year from now I’m going to buy a house” and I only half believed it when I said it. This is a reminder that I am a master manifestor and everything I speak comes to fruition every single time . Definitely a long ways I have a came and a even further ways I’m going. Cheers to now being an official home owner!
- Juliana Tyson commented on Nobody: Neice: can I...Good Auntie for real, gotta respect the hustle!
- Juliana Tyson added the photo White Lion Mom and Baby Cub Lions Full of Wild Animal Love to the album My Albino Animals Collection Crocodile Dog Chicken Gorilla Primate
Beautiful family, just lovely animals.
This image is a very valuable asset for the wild life, t means wild animals also have their own families to feed and grow with love.
- By Bella Thorne
I'll be alright just with one kitty.
- Juliana Tyson added the photo Dog Pitbull Albino with Beautiful Eyes to the album My Albino Animals Collection Crocodile Dog Chicken Gorilla Primate
I always love dogs, too bad that this kind of breed cost lots of money, can't afford it.
- By Greg Lee
My goodness, what a good dog, I love this dog, just a cute pet to have at home.
I don't believe those eyes are real, I think there is a photo manipulation on it.
- Juliana Tyson added the photo Two Cute Owls Mom and Her Baby Owl to the album My Albino Animals Collection Crocodile Dog Chicken Gorilla Primate
- By Alani Sol
I want a baby owl for me to keep at home.
I also want a pet owl but it takes money and time for them. Owls eat live mice and frogs, snakes etc. I heard people saying they purchase a new freezer just to keep their pet owls happy with dead fresh mice. Like I said, these hunter birds prefer to...
To me Owls are a sign of good luck and that's why I want some of them as my personal pets at home. They look so cute and beautiful.
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