Teresa Lee Sherrod

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    • Teresa Lee Sherrod
      Watching "A Very Brady Christmas" from 1988 and Christmas shopping online while drinking Maple Waffle coffee with my kitty at my feet. Despite what some think, I'm not some old miser. I do have favorite traditions. I still love shopping, but abhor stores. That's why God created the internet and also YouTube so I can find my favorite old Christmas specials from the past for free.
      • Teresa Lee Sherrod
        After a large serving of lasagna my 4 year old bursts out crying and says, Mommy, my mouth wants more but my belly says no!" I have literally never related to anything more. xD
        • Teresa Lee Sherrod
          I feel as a person that’s trying to stop drinking that it takes the upmost of bravery. And for the most part I don't drink until I get around certain people. It’s not even always when I’m social it’s when I’m around certain people.

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