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    • Mica Thomas
      Mica Thomas commented on My dad grew up in a...
      Ghost horses appear everywhere at all the times and they seem to be cute because they don't hurt people.
      • John Deere
        John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
        Do you wanna know why so many people are driving around uninsured? Because even when you’re a great driver and have no claims your insurance goes up at renewal time $70+ extra dollars per month. So now we’re back at almost $500/month for “just in case.” It’s about irritating. My rant for the day! #insurance
        • John Deere
          John Deere commented on I'm at such a loss. I'm...
          I am so sorry. Please let me know if there is anything I can do. They really are our family!
          • Anya Taylor
            Anya Taylor commented on I'm at such a loss. I'm...
            Oh myyyyy, I am so sorry to hear this, ny prayers are with you!
            • Charlize Theron
              I'm at such a loss. I'm heartbroken and destroyed. My little girl cat, Piglet passed away in my arms this morning. She was having problems yesterday so we went to the vets. All her bloodwork and tests were fine. The only things found were that she was dehydrated and had low blood sugar. We gave her Karo syrup to raise her blood sugar and an injection of fluids to help with the dehydration. I brought her home and she just didn't seem to improve. I kept giving her simple syrup and water and she would sleep for a while then wake up and we would do it again. This morning around 8 am she passed in my arms. I'm so lost. She is part of the reason I woke up every day. She loved giving me nose kisses and was so good at stealing food off of my plate. She was not just a cat she was my baby, my girl. She slept next to me every night and she just knew when I was having a bad day and would come curl up around my neck and give me kisses. I don't know what to do without her. I'm so damn lost. I miss her so much I can't quit crying. Rest easy my Piglet girl. Momma will see you again at that Rainbow Bridge, I love you forever.
              • Anya Taylor
                Anya Taylor posted to Statuses & Comments
                To the lady with 4+ kids with her and wouldn’t allow ANYBODY to help the little girl get out of the grocery cart at Kroger, DO BETTER. I understand wanting a child to learn how to do things on their own, but she was CRYING and BEGGING you to help her. You wouldn’t even allow the other child with you to help her. Not only was you being heartless towards that child that you made sure everybody knew “wasn’t yours,” you wasn’t respectful to others around you by basically blocking the exit for 5 minutes making her do it on her own. She could have seriously hurt herself and you did not give 2 shats. You’re right, she’s NOT my kid, but I WILL speak up for any child around me that I feel like is being treated unfairly. SHAME ON YOU! #shame
                • Destiny Nordstrom
                  So I may be reading into this waaayyyy to far but id rather be safe than sorry. Yesterday my boyfriend and I got home from work and noticed there was a zip tie on our back gate. He said he noticed it when we left for work and mentioned it but I guess i didn’t hear him. We’ve lived here for a few months and i know that it wasn’t there when we bought our house and we definitely didn’t put a random zip tie on our gate. I went out and cut it off and searched the rest of our fence/the front gate and didn’t find anything out of the ordinary. So maybe it’s just a random zip tie or maybe someone put it there. Who knows. Just wanted to mention it in case anyone else has something similar happen to them.
                  • Destiny Nordstrom
                    Destiny Nordstrom commented on a page titled Haunted and Taunted
                    i had moved into my grandfathers house, it was built in the 1920’s so it was old… i began to have strange experiences my cats would sit in front of the kitchen door watching something intently, my bedroom door would open for no reason…. on day, yes...Read more
                    • Kim Zolciak
                      Kim Zolciak posted to Statuses & Comments
                      “Before I was 6 years old, my grandparents and my mother had taught me that if all the green things that grow were taken from the earth, there could be no life. If all the four-legged creatures were taken from the earth, there could be no life. If all the winged creatures were taken from the earth, there could be no life. If all our relatives who crawl and swim and live within the earth were taken away, there could be no life. But if all the human beings were taken away, life on earth would flourish. That is how insignificant we are.” - Russell Means, Oglala Lakota Nation
                      • Kim Zolciak
                        Kim Zolciak commented on a page titled Haunted and Taunted
                        Wow, that's wild! I think that all this has everything to do with the ouiji board. Find your way out of that mess! I think you need to pray in the name of Jesus every night before bed. And if you feel the dreams coming on then repeat over and over....Read more
                        • Jackson Rathbone
                          Jackson Rathbone created a page Haunted and Taunted
                          This is gonna be a long one so I doubt anybody will actually read it, but if you do, props to you. I'm choosing to go anonymous for obvious reasons, I suppose maybe I need it off my chest or opinions. So, going back all the way to 2018 (Honestly I...
                            • Kim Zolciak

                              Wow, that's wild! I think that all this has everything to do with the ouiji board. Find your way out of that mess! I think you need to pray in the name of Jesus every night before bed. And if you feel the dreams coming on then repeat over and over....

                              • Destiny Nordstrom

                                i had moved into my grandfathers house, it was built in the 1920’s so it was old… i began to have strange experiences my cats would sit in front of the kitchen door watching something intently, my bedroom door would open for no reason…. on day, yes...

                                • Breanna Faulkner

                                  That is the problem when buying or renting old family-inherited haunted Victorian houses. I prefer to live in a tent at the backyard than spending my golden sleeping time inside at one of those horrible evil places. I don't believe in ghost...

                                • News Update
                                  Asus Electronics Gigabyte MSI ASRock AMD’s Ryzen 9000 Series Desktop Processors. The new motherboards and chipsets will support USB 4 and PCIe Gen 5 for larger storage and stream graphics as a standard feature. Great for savings when buyers don't...
                                  • News Update
                                    Ryzen 9000 CPU Processors For Making New Computer Systems For new motherboards using new chipsets on the market 2024.
                                      • Brittany Brock

                                        I don't like computers but, if I can put my hands on one that has a processor like this one, it will make me happy.

                                      • Dustin Irwin
                                        Dustin Irwin provided an answer for the question Why is that people only care about making money so much?
                                        Each person on this planet is responsable for making themselves happy and if being rich is wht pleases them, then let them achieve their goals with money, diamonds or whatever. Some people just eat a lot, some others drink a lot, some enjoy talking...
                                        • Gino
                                          Yes there are several ways of distraction for people like your wife! Hide the TV ad say that it was stolen. Invite her to walks and to join local communities within your town, make her feel special so she forgets about eating and sitting in front of...
                                          • Gino
                                            Gino provided an answer for the question Why is that people only care about making money so much?
                                            People care about money and power because those two make them feel secure and solid, practical untouchable. People with those two are usually evil and egoist.
                                            • Evelio Velazco
                                              My wife began making Pop Corn with a pound o corn in the first time, then as years went by, now she cooks more and more with lots of butter. I keep buying more corn for Pop Corn and watch her eating and getting frustrated because large bowl full of...
                                              • Evelio Velazco
                                                Evelio Velazco provided an answer for the question Why is that people only care about making money so much?
                                                Think about it, While people like you and me wake up everyday and hurry to be on time at our duties of working to earn the family bread, those people just sleep all day and do their tricks at night, as usual.
                                                • Evelio Velazco
                                                  I think the answer relies on why so much evil people in this world?
                                                  • Virgilio
                                                    I used the psychology behind people! There are millions of individuals worldwide working so hard, and individuals stealling from others who work so hard to earn their living everyday. I decided to ask everyone why this behaviour about money and...

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