Destiny Nordstrom
If Wisdom's Ways You Wisely Seek, Five Things Observe With Care...To Whom You Speak, OF Whom You Speak, And How, and When, and Where.
We may have all come on different ships. but we're in the same boat now. - Martin Luther King Quote
I would rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not. A person can only kiss so much @$$ before they choke on da shitz. LOL.
I like to practice Martial Arts ( Honorable Mention ) already for a while. Then enjoying seen the girls playing soccer (MLS), the football with Soccer Football Association Football to be exact.
Justice League Dark: Apokolips War
Offering to the Storm
Under the Riccione Sun
Spenser Confidential
Travel is my main hobby, Watching crazy funny TV Shows and Movies makes me happy too, I go Walking and Running often, so those are hobbies too, I guess.
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The Wire
- So I may be reading into this waaayyyy to far but id rather be safe than sorry. Yesterday my boyfriend and I got home from work and noticed there was a zip tie on our back gate. He said he noticed it when we left for work and mentioned it but I guess i didn’t hear him. We’ve lived here for a few months and i know that it wasn’t there when we bought our house and we definitely didn’t put a random zip tie on our gate. I went out and cut it off and searched the rest of our fence/the front gate and didn’t find anything out of the ordinary. So maybe it’s just a random zip tie or maybe someone put it there. Who knows. Just wanted to mention it in case anyone else has something similar happen to them.
- I am overjoyed to be able to say that the story of my midnight visitor that began last week has come to a wonderful happy end. I'm so happy that my door was a part of it. Donnabelle, as she is now known, as gone from a starved, parasite-infested, near death bag of bones to a healthy beautiful, flourishing seven week old kitty who has found a loving forever home in the arms of her new and loving humans, my mother Teresa. The new baby is now romping and playing with her adopted big brother Simba, and gratefully eating her kitty food hand over fist! #motherteresa #donnabelle
- This morning before I woke, I dreamt that my Grandma Droniak was in the kitchen making dinner and she was just so focused in her cooking while humming a beautiful melody. In any dreams I have with her, she shows up but doesn't specifically talk to me. She however, always seems so carefree like nothing is bothering her. I don't know if it's happiness, maybe just peace. I was just thinking on it, and wanted to share the ramblings from my head.
- I would love to know how doors and door facings get so dirty. I have scrubbed and scrubbed with bleach, 409 cleaner, magic erase, and a bunch of other stuff and none of it worked and my hands hurt. Doors still look gross so now I dug out the 100% cleaner.. PAINT! I'm thinking about putting a layer or 2 of clear coat on it when I'm done painting.
- I was listening to a podcast and a woman said, "Alexa, call 911". I guess that MY Alexa heard it because my sister got this text and her Echo automatically dropped in on mine. All of a sudden my sister, "What the heck is going on, do you need help?" Completely freaked me out because I was listening to one of my murdery podcasts. Alexa has a special skill I never knew about. xp
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- Stephen King BooksCollectionStephen KingDean KoontzJohn GrishamJohn SaulJames Pattersonbest sellersbooksphotopicDean Koontz and Stephen King Books in A Personal Collection. Check the photo and read the book titles to find out which belongs to the famous American Californian and New England Writers. Which books that are missing?My favorites...
- 100% Arabica coffee has a great aroma and a very delicious fragrance. The Arabica coffee is the coffee kind species this country exports worldwide science from the last century (1800s). The coffee is the country's red gold.
- Job as collecting coffee for living in Costa Rica. Wish to make lots of money some day.
- Destiny Nordstrom commented on the photo Me at Age 4 at the BeachJeeezus the conspiracy types are so lame and annoying. Unless they have 100% proof beyond a reasonable doubt , which if they DID then they'd contact the authorities, instead of stalking others on social media!
- Destiny Nordstrom posted to the wireSo I may be reading into this waaayyyy to far but id rather be safe than sorry. Yesterday my boyfriend and I got home from work and noticed there was a zip tie on our back gate. He said he noticed it when we left for work and mentioned it but I guess i didn’t hear him. We’ve lived here for a few months and i know that it wasn’t there when we bought our house and we definitely didn’t put a random zip tie on our gate. I went out and cut it off and searched the rest of our fence/the front gate and didn’t find anything out of the ordinary. So maybe it’s just a random zip tie or maybe someone put it there. Who knows. Just wanted to mention it in case anyone else has something similar happen to them.
- Destiny Nordstrom commented on a page titled Haunted and Tauntedi had moved into my grandfathers house, it was built in the 1920’s so it was old… i began to have strange experiences my cats would sit in front of the kitchen door watching something intently, my bedroom door would open for no reason…. on day, yes...Read more
- Destiny Nordstrom commented on I have a really hard...I think accepting yourself comes before accepting others. And people will will just end up being your friend. It's a paradox.
- Destiny Nordstrom published a blog post Children Never Just Leave But Life Takes Them AwayWhere Are The Children
- By Amber Ligon
As a woman, I tell you that kids are a joy for parents lives. You got to watch them growing and live beside their lives, it is just beautiful.
Babies are a strong reason why so many women decide to get pregnant and give birth, and it is very sad to lose your baby, so bad.
- By David Clark
My most sincere condolences for the lost of your loved child, and may God bless you with more cute children now on.
- Destiny Nordstrom posted to the wireI am overjoyed to be able to say that the story of my midnight visitor that began last week has come to a wonderful happy end. I'm so happy that my door was a part of it. Donnabelle, as she is now known, as gone from a starved, parasite-infested, near death bag of bones to a healthy beautiful, flourishing seven week old kitty who has found a loving forever home in the arms of her new and loving humans, my mother Teresa. The new baby is now romping and playing with her adopted big brother Simba, and gratefully eating her kitty food hand over fist! #motherteresa #donnabelle
- Destiny Nordstrom posted to the wireThis morning before I woke, I dreamt that my Grandma Droniak was in the kitchen making dinner and she was just so focused in her cooking while humming a beautiful melody. In any dreams I have with her, she shows up but doesn't specifically talk to me. She however, always seems so carefree like nothing is bothering her. I don't know if it's happiness, maybe just peace. I was just thinking on it, and wanted to share the ramblings from my head.
- Destiny Nordstrom posted to the wireI would love to know how doors and door facings get so dirty. I have scrubbed and scrubbed with bleach, 409 cleaner, magic erase, and a bunch of other stuff and none of it worked and my hands hurt. Doors still look gross so now I dug out the 100% cleaner.. PAINT! I'm thinking about putting a layer or 2 of clear coat on it when I'm done painting.