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    • Willow
      I'm confused and kind of wanting to call a garden builder because it is less stress trying to figure it out the best way without paying a fortune for a small project.
      • Lainey Wilson
        Lainey Wilson created a new photo album Great Music Songs in the group Do You Love Music?
        • Lyrics Taylor Swift Fortnight Song
          • Shannon Stamp

            Taylor Swift is just a great singer and composer, she deserts the best. Each song from her full-fills the listener's souls everyday. Songs like I Can Do It With a Broken Heart and others are a big deal.

            • Jennifer Bower

              I like The Black Dog, I Look in People’s Windows, Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus and some other songs sometimes. I love Taylor, a lot, she's the best American singer.

              • Ivy

                I couldn't even live without music, Taylor's songs are always the best. I love the song “ I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can”

              • Ivy
                Ivy joined the group Do You Love Music?
                • Julissa Medina
                  The Frontline Plus Kills Ticks Eggs and Fleas Larvae Chewing Lice. Frontline plus is a killer for bugs on pets, and it is waterproof and acts really fast on dogs and cats.
                    • Emily Garcia

                      That product also can terminate your pet dog if you don't follow strictly directions from the manufacturer. Certainly I lost my dog two years ago because I didn't read the label application steps correctly.

                      • Harper

                        I'm OK just by visiting the vet once every three months to bring my cats and spray that product for the fleas. I guess I'm afraid to overdose them and then they get hurt.

                        • Gino

                          You have to be careful with this product because if it is miss used, the pet could die by poisoning. Follow the product directions correctly and if seen something irregular in your pet's behavior, call assistance phone line 1880 #

                        • Lina
                          Lina posted on Lina's message board
                          The difference between good and evil? A sense of morality. Some people are just missing it.
                          • Elizabeth Solis Hodson
                            Elizabeth Solis Hodson posted to the wire
                            It's so sweet and refreshing to see my kitty Miss Chasity come running when the microwave dings. God love my sweet deaf Miss Felicity, I always have to flash the lights to get her attention, or take her warm plate to her if she is in the bedroom. It's so cute to see Chasity's ears twitch at the sound of the microwave. Little things amuse me so
                            • Yuly Baez
                              Yuly Baez posted to the wire
                              Mike and I ran some errands at the post office so far today. We then ventured forth to seek out hardcovers at the book store! (They are running a 50% off hardcover deal and he had 10$ off in rewards). I am excited to read "Something in the Woods Loves You". It's written by the author who also runs the cryptonaturalist podcasts. I liked reading excerpts of his work in the past. Feeling blessed to have a little adventure together!
                              • Bryan R. Cranston
                                Bryan R. Cranston posted to the wire
                                I'm not trying to be rude but my favorite city, Tallahassee Florida, has more snow on the ground than I do right now and this is quite funny for many reasons. You all are going to be okay. You can stop with the texts and the pictures because it will melt, eventually. Then get your t-shirts made about how you survived it. You know I love you.
                                • News Update
                                  News Update posted to the wire
                                  Stock-market companies are shaking now! Because The Latest Chinese AI Tech Company News.
                                  • News Update
                                    A Stock Market Earthquake Was Caused By A Startup Chinese Tech Company Called DeepSeek. A Huge Change in Investments in Non-Technology Companies on Wall Street for Today.
                                    • Louisa Johnson
                                      Louisa Johnson posted to the wire
                                      I have been so in grossed with giving a 110% in my job and everyone else that I completely ran myself down and for what? Not doing that anymore Im taking care of me and doing me because nobody else is gonna take care of me! It is time to raise my standards and stop killing myself for everyone else. The way I see it is that if you have a job and all your going to do is show up and do very little next to nothing or text and talk on your phone then don't show up at all.. So rude and disrespectful!! So sick and tired of people that just wanna pay check while others are busting their ass and they can just stand around and watch... Seriously go the F&@$ home if you're not gonna work. So, with all of that being said, im only doing what I have to do and not breaking my back anymore!!
                                      • Nichol Kessinger ( Nicole Sophia Miller )
                                        When you go from giving your plants a shower, cleaning windows and baseboards to adding in dusting everything, cleaning walls and curtains. You end up with a bigger mess from when you started lmao, I will get it back together sometime.
                                        • Krystal C Kobe
                                          Krystal C Kobe posted to the wire
                                          I just went to get my haircut and there was horse racing on the flat screens all around me (which upset me)but it was ok bc the hair dresser and I got in a discussion about the horse’s treatment, and how many die while racing and from other abuses. At first she wanted to deny that many race horses aren’t treated well and using them for entertainment isn’t why horses are here. She seemed very disconnected to animals even though she said her family raised horses and treated them well. Then a commercial came on for cheese and showed all these happy cows grazing and I told her that’s not how most dairy cows live. I asked her if she knew about factory farming and she told me she really didn’t want to know the ugly truth bc she liked to eat and didn’t want to feel guilty. I told her that vegan cheese is delicious and so is nut milk. I’m glad I could plant a seed but why does it have to be so hard to get ppl to think of animals as deserving and precious in their own right? Even before I went vegan, I had the utmost love for animals. Ppl are just so stuck in their ways of seeing things. Trying to open someone’s mind is so f’n exhausting bc ppl hate change and think if they ignore the truth, they can live happily ever after.
                                          • Lillie Jane
                                            Lillie Jane provided an answer for the question Who Are The Trillionaires in The World?
                                            True and Real Born-Again Christians , not the Fakers or even Luke-Warm
                                            • Lillie Jane
                                              Lillie Jane posted to the wire
                                              I miss the big-budget all-star miniseries so popular in the 70's, 80's and 90's. The Thorn Birds, The Blue and The Gray, the "North and South" trilogy, the "Roots" saga, "Anastasia", the Winds of War, War and Remembrance", I watched and loved them all. I was a history junkie and nerd as a kid. I also miss the good ol' night time soaps. My favorites were Capitol and Falcon Crest. With all of the cable, satellite and streaming options available now, it's easy to forget what an event it was tune in all week to a story so sweeping and epic that it had to be told over SEVERAL nights, and then to dish about it the next day at school or work.
                                              • Joel Louis
                                                Joel Louis posted to the wire
                                                Something is up with my PlutoTV. The audio and the video are out of sync...super irritating! The characters' words aren't matching their mouths. I don't know what's going on, but it's my only day off of work and too cold to go anywhere so l thought I would relax with a good movie, but I guess not. So, I think I'll just go make a nice lunch of champions and then read!
                                                • Cherlyn Cadle
                                                  Cherlyn Cadle posted to the wire
                                                  I've had enough of hearing obnoxiously rich and phony people stabbing each other in the back for money and power. Nothing was worse today than a grown man bad mouthing his so called hit list. So I'm turning off the inaugural news reports and going back to cute animal videos on YouTube
                                                  • Elizabeth Jackson
                                                    Elizabeth Jackson posted to the wire
                                                    I definitely don’t beg anybody to show up for me. If they care, they’ll be there and if they’re not, you know where you stand. I have always said build a longer table that you created, and not a taller fence….but people these days though!
                                                    • News Update
                                                      Donald Trump Sworn in as 47th President Of The United States Of America Millions of eyes worldwide watched the Trump’s inauguration as the 47th US president