Kamilah Berry


I can't tell  how my partner does things anymore and neither what he does with his private life, but all I know is that the minute I find out he is cheating with another woman and he will be gone for good.
I spend most of my time figuring out how to keep myself come with these all bills to pay every month, and I think hat in this country people never have a break.

Insurance CompanyGaico var insurance full coverage and thief protection.
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Preferred Color #B2CF20
ProfessionPreschool Teacher
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    • Kamilah Berry
      Overjoyed that I could spend the day with my person today! We went and picked Dutch up some toys and treats at Petco and then got coffees. I had a Drs. appointment today also. They want me to get an MRI done to see if my ankle tendon is torn or not. (Hopefully not). But my ankle has not been healing properly for a month now. I was also referred to a physical therapist and a podiatrist , so hopefully I can strengthen it up soon because it's been rather annoying always spraining my ankles. Here's to Tuesday!!
      • Kamilah Berry
        Last Spring I had an angel encounter just after miscarrying by baby boy (I was close to 5 months along). I happened while I was while I was sitting in the booth while my husband ate. I was devastated as I had just come from the hospital. A young woman with a shaved head, like she was going through cancer treatments, was in the next booth facing me. There was a very bright glow and peace about her that I literally felt as she gazed at me. I felt love and peace coming from her. And then as they got up to leave, she stopped at my table and said to me you look like you need a hug, may I give you a hug? And as she did she whispered everything is going to be OK. They left, but I just know that if I had followed them to the parking lot, they would not have been there. I feel she was sent there just for me when I really needed her. I just know in my heart she was not of this world. I just felt like I needed to share that as I now move on to another most glorious year - I wish for everybody a Very Happy New Year 2023!
        • Kamilah Berry
          Ahh sewed a doll for my beautiful niece today for the first time and I just ate some delicious homemade chocolate chip cookie pudding that I made myself too. Now patiently waiting for President Biden's speech and planning on ordering a pizza then too! I am such a foodie! ^-^
          • Kamilah Berry
            I wanted to pass along something that could possibly help others who are struggling financially, people who are going through a hard time, or even those who want to take a break from cooking for a few days a month. There is an organization called Lasagna Love where you can request home cooked lasagnas (sometimes some people make other large pasta dishes such as ziti or Mac and cheese) once every 30 days. Although not required, many volunteers provide “sides” such as salad and garlic bread or desserts. Someone suggested it to me when my dad passed November, and it was such a blessing! Now I volunteer with them to pay it forward by making a meal and delivering to other local families once a month.
            • Kamilah Berry
              I recently found that I have a heart defect I was born with which constricts blood flow to my aortic valve and also that I have put on at least 20 pounds since August of 2021 because I have been under stress and not eating right or controlling my cravings.. I am posting this in the hopes to keep on track with hourly exercising a few times a week to help with my overall health and blood flow to help my breathing issues. This is my first day back on track.
              • Kamilah Berry
                Kamilah Berry commented on I deleted my last post...
                Girl SAME...I mean I'm one now as you know, but if I'd known I'd feel like this, EVER, I'd never have been so adamantly child free for so long. You have every right to change your mind! Some ppl don't want kids some ppl do. It's completely ok either...Read more
                • Kamilah Berry
                  Kamilah Berry posted to Statuses & Comments
                  Overjoyed that I could spend the day with my person today! We went and picked Dutch up some toys and treats at Petco and then got coffees. I had a Drs. appointment today also. They want me to get an MRI done to see if my ankle tendon is torn or not. (Hopefully not). But my ankle has not been healing properly for a month now. I was also referred to a physical therapist and a podiatrist , so hopefully I can strengthen it up soon because it's been rather annoying always spraining my ankles. Here's to Tuesday!!
                  • Kamilah Berry
                    Kamilah Berry commented on Do you ever get in a "I...
                    Yuuuuup !! Life at times can suck you into a stress pit that you do not even bother fighting to get out of that pit so you just lay there recovering outside of the body lol
                    • Kamilah Berry
                      Kamilah Berry posted to Statuses & Comments
                      Last Spring I had an angel encounter just after miscarrying by baby boy (I was close to 5 months along). I happened while I was while I was sitting in the booth while my husband ate. I was devastated as I had just come from the hospital. A young woman with a shaved head, like she was going through cancer treatments, was in the next booth facing me. There was a very bright glow and peace about her that I literally felt as she gazed at me. I felt love and peace coming from her. And then as they got up to leave, she stopped at my table and said to me you look like you need a hug, may I give you a hug? And as she did she whispered everything is going to be OK. They left, but I just know that if I had followed them to the parking lot, they would not have been there. I feel she was sent there just for me when I really needed her. I just know in my heart she was not of this world. I just felt like I needed to share that as I now move on to another most glorious year - I wish for everybody a Very Happy New Year 2023!
                        • Dawn McKinley

                          There are angels among us....I consider you one because of how kind you were to me in such a chaotic time in my life. Smooches! ~ Happy new year! Kami!

                        • Kamilah Berry
                          Kamilah Berry posted to Statuses & Comments
                          Ahh sewed a doll for my beautiful niece today for the first time and I just ate some delicious homemade chocolate chip cookie pudding that I made myself too. Now patiently waiting for President Biden's speech and planning on ordering a pizza then too! I am such a foodie! ^-^
                          • Kamilah Berry
                            My brother is a school bus driver and you wouldn't believe the kids names he tells about nowadays, they are insane!
                            • Kamilah Berry
                              Kamilah Berry posted to Statuses & Comments
                              I wanted to pass along something that could possibly help others who are struggling financially, people who are going through a hard time, or even those who want to take a break from cooking for a few days a month. There is an organization called Lasagna Love where you can request home cooked lasagnas (sometimes some people make other large pasta dishes such as ziti or Mac and cheese) once every 30 days. Although not required, many volunteers provide “sides” such as salad and garlic bread or desserts. Someone suggested it to me when my dad passed November, and it was such a blessing! Now I volunteer with them to pay it forward by making a meal and delivering to other local families once a month.
                              • Kamilah Berry
                                Kamilah Berry commented on I want my Manhattan and...
                                I'm originally from Massachusetts so we would do youth church trips to the Cathedral of St John the Divine and the V & T Italian Restaurant & Pizzeria across the street is absolutely amazing.
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