Doni Fishback

Preferred Color #4283AE
ProfessionHuman Resource Specialist
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    • Doni Fishback
      I’m getting accustomed to going places and enjoying myself without having the need to post about it. I’ll take pictures for my own personal memories but I’m learning to be more present and saving my life's moments for just me. I took a step back and just started analyzing why do we do certain things, one being posting everything we do. Eat a good meal, go to a fun event, eat at a fancy restaurant etc. I’m really enjoying this being present thing.
      • Doni Fishback
        I hate it when I receive text like “Hey Doni!” From a unsaved number with no text history. Like sir/ma’am I need you to announce yourself when you come around these parts so I can know whether im going to text back or not. I’m just like WHO is saying my name all comfortable like that, who Df ARE YOU?!
        • Doni Fishback
          You do not have to know a person to become true friends you do not even get to meet them it is sometimes by chance you do. That chance happened to me you get to know about their life and their family and they get to know about you and your family you can tell each other anything and make each other laugh be there through the bad times and the good share your interests, send photos of what you do. Well I had that chance meeting and I m very lucky that I did. Then came the phone call and it was not you my friend it was from your lovely husband to say that you had gone to a better place just like your family my heart is broken to I thank you for our chance meeting my friend you will never be forgotten. Time for you to rest now sleep well my thoughts and prayers are with your family.
          • Doni Fishback
            All of these dudes talking about uneven eyebrows like their balls ain't looking like these: "oO" hehehehe
            • Doni Fishback
              I’m in disbelief at the amount of people that didn’t know that sunflower seeds came from sunflowers. What you thought they came from , watermelon?!
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