Why My Smart Apple Watch Made A Noise?
Why My Smart Apple Watch Made A Noise?
So I lost my dad almost 15 years ago, he was my hero and then half year later, I lost my mother who was my best friend (we shared a lot together). The both passed away at the young age of 68 years old.
I asked my dad to show me signs with feathers. This has always been the case. Last week I was struggling with grief and I asked for another sign as wasn’t sure about the feathers wanted something different!
Well my dads song was “wind beneath my wings” as he was my hero.
Today my Apple Watch (a smart watch) made a noise and I looked to see this message pop up on it!
"I Love You You Are The Wind Beneath My Wings".
See this image:
It is a very special message, I think it came from my Dad at the other side in the world.
Answers (37)
Oh How Wonderful! That's Amazing! I'm so sorry for the loss of your dad & mom. I lost my mom from cancer on 9/11/16. She promised me a kiss on my cheek. I'm still waiting patiently for it. God Comfort Our Hearts.
- By Rose Edmunds
That's your sign that he is good were he is he is at peace and your mom is with him. And don't worry about the things you wish you could of done differently because you couldn't it was meant to be the way it happened and know that your father will be forever watching you. God bless, and again it is a beautiful sign.
Wow this comment means so much to me as I have struggled with guilt that I could have been a better daughter (terrible teenager that lasted far to long) so I totally appreciate this comment.
Oh, I am so sorry for the loss of your Precious parents. That is truly a message from your Dad. God Bless you.
- By Khloe Jones
You must be very welcome to share your finding experiences. And believe it or not you were and are a good daughter you were they baby girl, At some point all including me we were all rebellious teenagers but our parents would never look at us different. Their love for us will always be the same it would never change. Oh yeah this life here in on earth is temporary for everybody one day they will be at gate doors of heaven waiting for you, the same way mines one day but thankfully my parents are still here.
Please be happy and smile all you can that's what your parents would want. Tears are flowing thanks so much xx.
So special. I am so happy for you..
My Grandma said to me: One of my greatest regrets is that I did not insist that this song be played at my father’s funeral. It was OUR song, and my sister overruled me! I’m so angry with myself .
Prayers for comfort and peace, it does get better.Also your behavior as a teen was your parents karma from when they were teens! They got a taste of what THEY gave to THEIR parents. You were never blamed & they understand their lessons.
- By Coraline Key
This was my Moms song for my Dad, her hero!
My life story - I arranged to have it played at his service at the funeral home when my dad passed. Everyone was in tears I'm happy I did post this today! Happy healing tears are healthy.
I feel like this was a sign for me. My grandma loved this song too. It is coming up for her 10th year since she passed away. She had ALS. Before she lose her voice she told me I was the wind beneath her wings. This song has special meaning for me. All I wanted for mothers day was to know she's with me. I am so deeply sorry you lost your parents. More proof they are always with you
- By Michael Clay
I have a smartphone and never heard or seen a message like that.
- By Lance Parker
My family experienced something like that. We were all crying when my Dad walked my daughter down the isle on her wedding day. He was such a wonderful Dad and person.
My best friend lost her Mommy to Covid Pneumonia on 6/26/2021. That was her song to Her as She was her Hero. You are so lucky, that is beautiful
- By Aaren Myers
Wow they were so young to die at 57!
My condolences to you.What a beautiful sign he gave you. This song was my Moms for my Dad, he was her hero. When he passed away I arranged to have it played at his service at the funeral home. Everyone was in tears. - By Katie Hoyt
Omg, I lost my brother 10 years ago at 57 and my loving sister 6 years ago she was 34, I miss them so much as I'm sure you miss your loved one. Your dad is with you every day just like my sis and brother. Xxoo
That is glorious - I am so happy for you and am a strong believer in signs, my grandma has blessed me with several since she passed, the feeling is so uplifting
That is so wonderful! God bless you and hold you close through your immense grief.
So o. O. O., Sorry to hear that.
Stay strong.
Wow. 2015 beloved and I was married already, and he wouldn't admit he was in love with me (he was a widower), we were in Florida at a show when this song came on.
At that line, he put his hand on my right shoulder (he was sitting behind me).....wow. and now I see it again today. Thank you.- By Loren Swarts
I had message saying call Grandmother.
I deleted it as my Grandmother died 15 years ago,
The same message came back two more times and then I gave my watch away, I got scared from those messages. - By Santos Avila
Wow I think that would have spooked me. A bit.
It certainly made me have a chat with her, about events good and bad in family, seems
The stomach ache I had for 5 or 6 weeks, seems to have gone away.. And I'm glad your stomach ache went away. I have a lot of love ones dead and maybe I should buy that Apple watch to see if I get some messages from them.
How wonderful!!!! I heard that song on the radio the other day, and had been missing my Grandfather too, it made me think of him. I'm glad you received this sign
- By Anna Boswell
Wow I think that would have spooked me. A bit.
It certainly made me have a chat with my mon, about events good and bad in family, seems
The stomach ache I had for 5 or 6 weeks long time go and she knew abut it.
All sufferings seem to have gone away as soon I spoken to my loved mom. - By Angela Furrh
How beautiful! What a perfect validation of your dads presence..
Absolutely wonderful. Yes they are still here. You better believe it! so happy for you. - By Annie Drake
So very BEAUTIFUL, sending peace and comfort your way, so sorry for the loss of your precious Dad, take care.
Wow. Such a wonderful sign. In death,we still live, but in a different form.
Our tired diseased bodies are just an empty vessel, and our spirit is still there.
So, our loved ones are still with you, but you don’t see them.
The signs they leave can be anything.
Butterflies, a red bird, a feather, pennies, etc… you are very blessed to actually get a typed out message.Wow that’s incredible! That was the same song I had for my mother while I lost three years ago on Mother’s Day. That was our song whenever I say I love you to Siri she says back to me you are the wind beneath my wings yes that is a definite absolute sign!!!
I’ve been struggling with the grief of my parents, the month September 15th was my dads birthday, and I talked to him all day! I dropped my son of at work that afternoon he had left the window down about 3 in a made its way in the window and landed on the seat next to me! It was very comforting
Your struggling is all part of love and I have sympathy for you.
How ever you must stand strong at this time as both parents would want you too.
You had too great parents in your life, a life full of love and respect.
So know they are close to you always.
I have a gentleman hear who when he sat down it was very difficult to do so.
Hes blad wright down in the middle off his head.
I also get the feeling he use to get hot all the time I also get a little dog close to him and the name candy.
His message to you is stop stressing about what you can't afford. And just appreciate what you have.
He pours out his love to you and well always try to do his best when your in a storm. Feedback would be nice.- By LeAnne Smith
Don't buy products from that company anymore, those watches are up to no good. Bad Products from Ap...
- By Tara Dahoe
Oh that is such a wonderful sign and you are so blessed.
You should feel great that there are people in this group caring about your well being. You really need to hear this. The man sounds like my grandfather or father.
Both had small dogs but non named candy that I know of!Ahh how lucky you are, I lost my pops just over a year ago and feel his loss every day, how very blessed you are xx.
- By Josue Solis
Wow! Love it, they always know when u need them. I lost my dad when he was 50 of cancer, that's my go to cry song when i just need a good cry. Beautiful words, but it hits. Its also my go to sad movie lol. Glad u got your sign.
That is so wonderful! What a gift to receive. We have very similar stories, that was the song my Dad and I always danced too, very special song. I was just listening to that song over and over.
That is so beautiful ❤️ An absolutely clear beautiful sign. My mum & dad also passed within 4 years of each other. Same dad went first, then my mum. My dad was my hero too. Had very similar signs to you. Although it was my mum that was coming through with clear signs. Like TV switching on by itself in the middle of the night. I switched it off & then within 5 minutes it was switched back on again. I got up and walked around the house, asking who was there. My mum came instantly into my head. So I asked her if it really was her, then to give me a clear sign. Nothing happened. Went back to sleep & then without any activation, my fit watch flashed on showing my mums birthday. God bless you
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I agree, nice story.
My watch is an Apple and it is quiet, never talks.
It's amazing!
All Apple products are weird.
That's powerful!
Ghost talk and using a digital Apple watch???
It is so interesting to read this message.
an incredible amazing message.
I love that message, it is so good for you.
That's beautiful meaning
Just like that, it is an amazing message.