Christy Ramon


When people start saying your crazy or dont make since then they better be sure to actually know what they're talking about or its time to start checking your surroundings. People downplay other people to the point it puts that person's life on the line. When that is happening there will be no one around. Like Tupac said, you have to face your fears cause aint nobody going to have your back.

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    • Christy Ramon
      I get frustrated easily. Tonight, my truck stopped at an intersection and would not start. I call roadside assistance for a tow truck and after several calls and being put on hold too many times, they said there was no tow truck available. Funny how I found some available. Anyway, I remembered I had a battery boosted behind the seat and I hooked it up to my battery. The truck started and I drove home. So now either the battery is toast or the alternator. I will find out tomorrow. It just makes me mad when you pay for a service and the provider doesn't do their job.
      • Christy Ramon
        What a crazy afternoon to this fine and dandy New Year's Eve so far! I've been driving Uber and I had picked up a man on the east side. He sat in the front and we were casually talking when all of a sudden he sneezed and out falls a glass eye! Yesss...omg whhen he sneezed his glass eye actually came flying out at me and I caught it in the friggin air! I then handed it back to him and he popped it in and said thank you. I didn't know what else to say to him, not even a "you're welcome". So, we rode in silence for the rest of the way to his destination. When we finally arrived, he turned and asked if he could have my number. Of course I was flattered, but I told him I was in a relationship. He grinned at me and said, "That's a shame, you really caught my eye." A crazy but fun and eventful happening to end my 2022! Hope everyone stays safe tonight, Happy New Year 2023 !!
        • Christy Ramon
          I look at my children's adult faces. I think of births. Blood and the lot. I think of diaper changes. Babysitters. Midnight feedings. I think of doctor’s visits. Halloween costumes. Laundry. Teacher’s meetings. Thousands of drop-offs and pick-ups. Injuries. X-rays. Late night coughing. Potty training. Permission slips. More laundry. Emergency rooms. Broken bones and casts. Surgeries. Ear aches. Blood. Tubes. Discipline. Questions. Struggling with food. Struggling with shoe-laces. Struggling with winter boots. Winter coats even. Brushing hair. Crafts. Nebulizer treatments. Homework. Attempting to explain discipline. Chores. More blood and the lot. Running to the school with forgotten homework/chromebooks/clothing/band instruments. Divorce. Birthday parties. Stitches. Periods. Dealing with bullies. More questions. More explaining discipline. Teachers who didn’t believe there were bullies. Sleepovers. Fights. Fundraisers. Little League baseball and softball. Soccer. Dance squad. Cheer. Football. Wrestling. Competitions. Church. Holding them while they cry. Traveling to away events. More teacher’s meetings. Driver’s Ed. Even more blood and the lot. Forgotten homework on early school mornings. Cousins. Grandparents. Mean friends. Awkward real life adult education. More laundry. More fights. Late night snuggles. Forgotten permission slips. Always more questions. Fighting over homework. Choir. Musicals. Madrigal dinners. First jobs. Basic training. Volunteering. College. Girlfriends/boyfriends. Breakups. Soooo much laundry. Failed college. Overseas deployment. Grad school. More jobs. Did I do enough? Did I? Time will tell. I love you my babies. I promise to be a good Granny to your babies one day.
          • Christy Ramon
            After consulting with a couple of experts and eliminating possibilities of sickness or fever, I have discovered my problem...I am allergic to autumn leaves from the mold spores!!
            • Christy Ramon
              Christy Ramon commented on This morning my 4 year...
              There's nothing better than a child who wants to spend time with you! I miss my Grandpa so much and it makes me feel closer to him when I eat pecan pie on Thanksgiving, we still save him a seat at the table too. Precious memories, thank you for...Read more
              • Christy Ramon
                Amazing video, Africa has a lot of surprises. I wish I could travel to the wild continent.
                Fifteen Unsettling Things Discovered in Africa's Continent
                • Christy Ramon
                  Christy Ramon commented on the question Do Animals Ghosts Exist?
                  I see animals ghosts all the times where I live.
                  • Christy Ramon
                    Christy Ramon commented on the file Wild Volcano in Costa Rica
                    That could be what I need for my vacations. I haven't have any for the last 5 years already. I will love to be near of a giant volcano and be able to take pictures.
                    • Christy Ramon
                      Thanks Scott, turns out I did need a new alternator, enjoy your evening!
                      • Christy Ramon
                        Christy Ramon posted to the wire
                        I get frustrated easily. Tonight, my truck stopped at an intersection and would not start. I call roadside assistance for a tow truck and after several calls and being put on hold too many times, they said there was no tow truck available. Funny how I found some available. Anyway, I remembered I had a battery boosted behind the seat and I hooked it up to my battery. The truck started and I drove home. So now either the battery is toast or the alternator. I will find out tomorrow. It just makes me mad when you pay for a service and the provider doesn't do their job.
                        • Christy Ramon
                          Christy Ramon commented on the photo Rihanna Super Bowl Halftime Show Photo
                          She is cute and a smart girl. I l love her music and great performance on stage.
                          • Rihanna Super Bowl Halftime Show Photo
                          • Christy Ramon
                            Christy Ramon provided an answer for the question Do You see The Ghost?
                            I see ghosts everywhere sometimes when I'm in the mood to see them, but I don't pay attention and move on.

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