Never Judge A Book By Its Cover
I was married to a guy I knew for 12 years before we wed. I adopted his children and thought I was the luckiest girl in the world. A year after we wed, he came to me and told me he had terminal cancer. It was hard. Five years of endless struggle to survive and fight a terminal illness. Then he came to me and told me he had won the fight and was cancer free. The kids and I struggled because no human had ever survived this type of cancer. I put him on my medical insurance at work and then took him to my doctors for tests. He was in a wheelchair unable to walk far, thin, sickly. After six months of testing. The doctors came to my children and I and explained that he had NEVER had cancer or chemo in his body. We were all beyond devastated at the level of lies and manipulation he put us through for five years. The children came to the house, packed his stuff up and removed him. After several months of trying to con more of our friends and getting no where...he joined the Peace Corp and went to Africa. I learned the hard way to the meaning of Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover.
I am still trying to recover 2 years later. Also, I am now writing a book to protect others, titled " Never Judge A Book By Its Cover "
I take my time to read a book thoroughly and then I go ahead and make my own conclusions about the content and the book author.
I'm sorry, things always happen for a reason. I think you should move on and never let losers trick you anymore in your life.
Hope you find happiness.
There are more than a million reasons why people should read the book covers, and start digesting the shortcut message to the inside content. However, you are complete right about never judge those millions of great books because of the outside information as the internal content is what me and you as readers should pay attention and read it, reading it all is the only way to tell if it provided rich information or amusement to the readers like us.
I love to hold books in between my two hands and for those that are two heavy, I ask for help to lift it and think how much information to teach me is inside that particular book, that excites me a lot, my emotions are up and I land my feelings on the weight of the book that i'm holding.
I think that it is right after finishing the entire reading that we can balance the value of a book that took a long time to an author to write it.
I think books are precious moments like jewels because they share the author imagination and wording to make our society better and knowledgeable. I love to be comfortable right before start reading any book I have chosen for that particular date and expect to open a gold treasure chest, then till that moment of reading it, i will start the judgment.
Omg Molly, I had no idea and I am so sorry this happened to you! Nobody deserves to be treated this way no matter what!!!
What a horrific human being, he deserves prison!!