

Like the name said on the profile, this is the best book to read at home and online.
There are millions of books that people love to read, and on so many circumstances there were people readers who had read a book many times. That means they were reading them more than once because they really love it.
Perhaps one of the most important reasons why e book exist is because from ancient years, all the way back, the prehistoric man that were living in caves under mountains and stones, they started writing their own books on the inside cave walls with letters, designs and drawings (images or paints).

Yes, this is the BOOK OF LIFE in the website Book Of Likes totally free social.
I'm just a boo name that you have, don't remember or you want and need to buy and read.
Along the way, many books were created but not all of them are equal, because their titles and content on their pages is different and deliver also messages that set them apart too.
About this issues related to good and bad books is what i want to talk about in this profile.
My book can be heavy and it will take a longtime to read, but the good thing is that if the content inside those pages to read is great and it has entertaining as a synonym of personal happiness, then it is priceless, plus who cares, people won't mind to read those fat and heavy books because they love them and they are rich and teach lessons of life.
The saddest thing is that some students some times don't want to read and learn, they consider their lecture not appealing to their life styles. But when they start reading and their minds start developing interest, a source of recording inside the brain and the analytics take over, their study is becoming solid and rich, this is an excellent way to learn and reach a success for those students and they just need to start reading good educational books.
As a book thinking, people never know what they are going to find on a new or used book, and perhaps they should give it a try, just to find out the golden treasure hidden in between the book pages.
Mothers, kids aunts, daddies, baby sitters, teachers should read to their babies, their kids at mornings, middle of the day, at the afternoon and at night before they go to sleep on the best time. When children are between ages of 6 months to 10 years, it is the best time to read with them and to them, because they train to listen and become great readers then on.
there are excellent fun stories inside short and long books, terrific fancies stories to read and tell and people have to be careful of never to read the wrong books to babies and grown up kids.
Well, i hope we all have a good time.
A book is a blessing from Good because he himself embraced his son's 12 apostles to write the Bible as the book of life to follow Jesus Christ and be saved at heavens with God.
A book is a small or large group of paper or leather pages tightened up secured or glued to a soft or hard cover and with light or heavy weight with the possibility for people to grab it into their hands and read it.
A book is a small thing that holds secrets and treasures boxes to carry them across history of centuries.
Some books have love and compassion and some others tell about horrible things that happened or could happen if it was true for a change.

There is an extended and comprehensive list of specifications about book kinds and reference,  these are just some:

Novels, Arts, Educational, Reading book lists for children from 1st Grade to High School , college student, picture books, early reader, biography, history, fantasy, science fiction, horror, terror, crime, folklore, nonfiction, sports, business, poetry, travel, scientific, genres for ever reader, love, nature, and more.


Sports are all important and if you want to know some of their names, then here are a few:

Ice Hockey, Car Racing, Soccer Football, Olympics Gymnastics, American Football, Swimming, Running and more.


Little woman, Old Possums, Schindler's Ark, The Giver, Pride and Prejudice, IT, Bridge to Terabithia, Everything and so many other books, some digital books and others are made with pages and a cover or a hardcover.

Insurance CompanyAn insurance claim in an accounting book State Farm insurance.
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    • Book
      Book posted to Statuses & Comments
      Two weeks into 2023 and I have finished four books. Audio books at that.
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        Book posted to Statuses & Comments
        There seem to be no words anymore that are able to penetrate these walls of divisions in the world. I’m guilty of sometimes judging people based on their viewpoints, but in some cases I have been able to have a healthy discourse with those with whom I disagree with And sometimes you realize that you still have some things you can agree on. If otherscontinue to inflame our differences, things will not get better. Sometimes, I’m afraid we may have crossed over into an area of no return but am still hanging onto hope. In my book, we can’t continue on this destructive path anymore, temporary sugar highs are not worth the trade off!
        • Book
          Book posted to Statuses & Comments
          My brain gets involuntarily jealous when my BF talks or is friends with females. I do lack self-esteem and I am insecure due to my upbringing as a child and it manifests in disgusting ways. I am totally aware but my brain takes on a mind of its own and i cant stop the jealously from flooding in when an incident happens. It is exhausting but i am glad my BF doesnt get mad when I get that way and understands my mental health. However it is so exhausting.
            • Sassy

              Good on you for recognising this, also good your bf is understanding, maybe your life experiences have conditioned you to be on fight or flight, most people feel insecure at times in a relationship, maybe stop give yourself space when you feel like this and don’t judge yiourdeof this is your reaction but you are smart enough to understand it.

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              • Sassy

                Good on you for recognising this, also good your bf is understanding, maybe your life experiences have conditioned you to be on fight or flight, most people feel insecure at times in a relationship, maybe stop give yourself space when you feel like...

              • Book
                Book commented on the photo I Got My Nails Done For Christmas !
                They should be black like your dark soul. You are a nasty slimy snake that cannot be trusted with anybody’s husband. You take what you want when you please. You have your name on those degrees yes, but you are a family wrecker and the definition of...
                • I Got My Nails Done For Christmas !
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                  When reading this book don't forget to turn off all electronic devices like Tv, cell phone, music radio etc.
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                    Book joined the group Pets Animals We Love And Have At Home
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                      Book joined the group Anything Goes
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                        Book joined the group Frugal Living For You

                      Statuses & Comments

                        • Book
                          Two weeks into 2023 and I have finished four books. Audio books at that.
                          • Book
                            There seem to be no words anymore that are able to penetrate these walls of divisions in the world. I’m guilty of sometimes judging people based on their viewpoints, but in some cases I have been able to have a healthy discourse with those with whom I disagree with And sometimes you realize that you still have some things you can agree on. If otherscontinue to inflame our differences, things will not get better. Sometimes, I’m afraid we may have crossed over into an area of no return but am still hanging onto hope. In my book, we can’t continue on this destructive path anymore, temporary sugar highs are not worth the trade off!
                            • Book
                              My brain gets involuntarily jealous when my BF talks or is friends with females. I do lack self-esteem and I am insecure due to my upbringing as a child and it manifests in disgusting ways. I am totally aware but my brain takes on a mind of its own and i cant stop the jealously from flooding in when an incident happens. It is exhausting but i am glad my BF doesnt get mad when I get that way and understands my mental health. However it is so exhausting.
                                • Sassy

                                  Good on you for recognising this, also good your bf is understanding, maybe your life experiences have conditioned you to be on fight or flight, most people feel insecure at times in a relationship, maybe stop give yourself space when you feel like this and don’t judge yiourdeof this is your reaction but you are smart enough to understand it.

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                                • Book
                                  A story should have a beginning, a middle, and an end... but not necessarily in that order. ~ Jean Luc Godard Book Of Likes Quote
                                  • Book
                                    Reading books are great while travelling for business or vacations. Some countries are inviting tourism around the world to visit them and bring some books for reading while waiting at the airports for their planes to travel. Between those nations are: Costa Rica (This little country holds the top level for visitors to choose it right now) and Panama (This country Panama canal connects cruise and cargo ships because they use the Canal with boat traffic from Ocean Pacific and Ocean Atlantic), both of them are located in the Americas.
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