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    • Erik Hanberg
      It has been a whirlwind of a few days for our family. Mom had a hemorrhagic stroke shortly after midnight Sunday night. We were at the ER by 3 am and she was flown to St Francis by 6 am. CT confirmed she had a stroke with bleeding on the brain. When she got to the ER her right side was numb and she couldn't use her arm or leg. We were told to prepare to have her either go into inpatient rehab or skilled nursing care if we couldn't lift her or help her move at home. Amazingly hours later she was able to move her arm and leg but could move her foot forward or have any coordination in her arm. She couldn't walk. Today, she walked all the way up the hallway with a walker on her own. She got up and down from her chair/bed. She took a shower herself and brushed her own hair with that right arm. She sat down with a therapist to fill out a complex pattern with many tiny pegs and she nailed it. Just amazing. Best news is...she is coming home tomorrow with only PT and home health care! They e😜ect her to make a full recovery in just a few weeks. Truly amazing! Thank you to everyone that prayed and sent us your love. We thank the Lord for being with us!
      • Nichol Kessinger ( Nicole Sophia Miller )
        No matter what you do it's never never enough. You can work 70 hours a week, clean the house, do laundry, groceries, doesn't matter never never enough.
        • Sarah Harris
          I am going to tell you about a paranormal incident in my home. I have been posting anonymously until today. My ex husband and I had been in this house for about 2 years when this happened. We were down in the basement watching TV one evening and I came upstairs to make popcorn. I got the popper going and decided to run to the bathroom real quick. As I was going down the hall a man stepped out of an empty bedroom. He had his head down like he was reading a book or something but he wasn't holding a book. I immediately thought it was my husband because even though I couldn't see his face it was definitely him! Then I noticed he was wearing a green striped shirt and green pants the exact same clothes he was wearing the day I met him in 1976. So I knew it wasn't him lol. Those clothes were long long gone. I said who are you and he looked up and had a completely shocked look on his face then poof! He vanished. It was definitely my husband's face. I was a little rattled but I got the popcorn and drinks and went back downstairs. He could tell something had happened so I told him. He was more rattled than I was lol. And by the way I didn't realize it until later but the bedroom door was closed so he walked through it. It never happened again.
          • Emily Webbs
            I personally don’t think it’s anyone’s business what others do in there homes. If your not paying there bills , or the landlord,Then keep your nose out of others business. No one likes a brown nose.
            • Heather Sweeney
              The Little Book Of Likes is now a BIG Book Of Likes social media platform like Twitter portraying to a world audience funny jokes, interesting questions, beautiful poems , updated news, everyday life statuses, fascinating pictures, cute stuff to buy, and much more!
              • John Deere
                The Book Of Likes poem by poet Heather Sweeney that I can personally relate to being an urbexer: 'Home is people's souls. It's not a place. If you go back to a place after souls are gone, then all you see is an empty space. Home is where your heart is, more than where you lay your head. Home is not a place, it's a feeling, a state of mind, not a bed. Earth is our temporary home. Every home is one of a kind. A house is shelter, but a home is love and not a smelter.'
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                  • Joanne Lees
                    Okay, after two hours of waiting for a room to open up, I finally break down and go to the necessary. While there, suddenly, in my head, I begin hearing the song, "Oh Sherry" by Journey.
                    • Abby Lee Miller
                      When you have an argument with your 12 year old about why she cannot have a quinceanera when she turns 15 —and the lady sitting behind you at the restaurant apparently hears the whole thing and offers to buy you a drink. #tween
                      • Katie Holmes
                        t's so funny how people are why can't you guys tell the truth I mean you act like it's a bad thing it's so easy just to be simple why all of the fuckery I mean for real I've always or at least tried to do what's right but everyone on the real nowadays are completely fakes sorry but people are not the same where I come from you tell the truth and if you can't don't make it up man.
                        • Heidi Berger
                          My day has been absolutely horrid and as usual , all about him! How it went: 6am I heard my 2 year old waited to see if he would get up with him for a change, nope, so I got up but that’s okay I love mornings with my little guy. 8😄0am I go up to our room to get clothes so I could get dressed for the day and I had to meet my 9 year old who spent the night at her friends at 10 am so had to get ready, he comes down shortly after and says so
 “why did you come up and wake me up so early I was so comfortable?” I said.. “to get clothes so I could get dressed for the day”! He says “well next time bring me coffee”. I said “yeah probably should have!” Then a few minutes later says.. “are you planning on making breakfast?” I said “no I wasn’t, I already made my 2 year old something and my 9 year old was eating at her friends!” He says.. “ oh so then no?” I ignored that! 10😄0ish am he starts cooking HIMSELF sausage and onions, sauce and pasta(I don’t like onions so definitely wasn’t cooking for us both)! So I make myself a bagel and he says “I am trying to cook”! I stayed quite! He continues to mope around, sked me if i was gonna clean out the fridge(leftovers and things like that) I said “yeah I will”, I suppose I didn’t do it soon enough so he begins to do it! Fills the sink, compost, and garbage! Wiped counters down and sits down! Says “aren’t you going to thank me for all I did this morning?” I pretend I don’t hear this! I do that daily but, I also clean the dishes, take out the compost and so on and I never get thanked! Later says “I left you a sink of dishes and the trash and compost will need to go out!
                          • Letha Cherry
                            After years of being afraid of my own yard after yellow jackets sent me to the hospital with anaphylaxis, I've erected a screened in canopy around my deck so I can finally enjoy my morning coffee outside in peace again.
                            • Snoop Lion
                              I am never ashamed of who I am and the miracle of my life is that I've made it as far as I have and that I've done as well as I have. That has nothing to do with who I love but it does have everything to do with who I am. I am who I am and I am plenty broken just like the rest of us but I do my best every day. So everybody who's doing their best every day, not even God himself can ask any more of you. Take pride in that.
                              • Julia Garner
                                I’m feeling sorry for myself today, just being honest. Today is my son's 13th birthday and he hasn’t spoken to me in ten years and I don’t even know why, but he stays with his father; the father who told everybody when we got divorced that he wasn’t paying child support, and went to Texas, working under a false social security number. My son was three when he left so I guess his father became his idol. So, I’m feeling sorry for myself because I need to know why, what I did to warrant being tossed aside like I don’t matter. I still love him so much and it hurts.
                                • Viola Lloyd
                                  Take some time today and actually every day if possible, to tell others that matter to you how much you love, care for them, or what ever you wanna say. If not possible in person, then, call them. Or, text, e-mail, even ''Snail Mail'' letter, etc. if you have to.. JUST DO IT, WHILE POSSIBLE. The mist may disappear before your very eyes or without you even knowing it happened. This is a fact, and I know by e😜erience. Also, live every day as if it were your last day here...make the most of your mist. No one escapes leaving their TEMPORARY time on this planet. NOBODY escapes dying. Some leave sooner than others...but we ALL will leave here eventually! Many already know all of this, and some do not realize this at all. So, just a reminder! Much Love To All Of You!

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