All Statuses & Comments posts

    • Phil Pupillo
      Nothing seems to be running correctly in America these days, I think that one of the good things happening in our country is Donald Trump going the prison to pay for his crimes and lies. The other part, let's allow God to fix it for us.
      • Amber Vanlerberghe
        I ordered some food from McDonalds using Door Dash, and McDonalds stated that they want people to post pics of what they got. I can’t imagine they’d be very proud of the cheeseburger I was delivered, (that cost a great deal of money I might add). It was a sorry excuse for a cheeseburger, only half the size of the squished up bun it was on, and the fries were SO cold and full of oil that they weren’t even edible. My dog didn’t even want them. I don’t understand why people think their food is worth it and at such high prices now!
        • Nichol Kessinger ( Nicole Sophia Miller )
          Just found out recently how healthy Avocado Leaf Tea is, and luckily, the leaves are growing in my living room on my miniature avocado tree i planted last year (literally). I don't even have to go outside to pick them! Anyways, it tastes surprisingly delicious 😜
          • Gwyneth Paltrow
            I signed in into this site because a recommendation from a friend of mine, so far it feels a little bit simple and friendly site, time will say if I stay or go somewhere else.
            • Gerrett Roberts
              I can't believe that we accept a governing body that's at risk of shutdown so frequently over petty disagreements. We are overdue as an Americans to start implementing a a better system that functions the best. "You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else." attributed to Winston Churchill's quote.
              • Fleshia Marks
                I was reading some comments at another social media site and seen that lots of people are coming to Book Of Likes to secure their own accounts, then that why I'm here. I love it so far.
                • Cosmopoli Tan
                  Bumble bees were in my backyard today! I am highly allergic, but still so happy to see them because they are wonderful pollinators.
                  • Harvin Kumar
                    Some people are afraid of being in a car with a Uber and they keep calling them again and again, Why? This is what she was saying while she went on the car trip: 28 mins with a man name luis Uber is so werid He said huh I said oh I was just telling my Dad im on the way haha I always put my address on google maps too To make sure Im so distrusting I shouldn't judge il be ok as soon as I get in my airbnb Luis probably thinks im werid having the name as Kevin haha You never use your real name on anything like that But the uber driver asked me He said he was e😜ecting a man im clearly a girl ahaha Been nervous the entire ride geez But he's just a latino.
                    • Mandy Henderson Woody
                      Today marks my 5 year Anniversary of being diagnosed with Cancer! I'm as fat and sassy today as I was five years ago! I said from day one I refuse to let this disease get the best of me and so far I have been right! Sometimes it pays off to be bullheaded! When u look and me u don't see a person with a terminal disease and I plan on keeping it that way! My advise to all is live life everyday like there's no tom promised cause we all know it's not! Always tell your loved ones and friends u loved them! And never, never stop fighting! Times get rough and u may feel down call a friend who will lift u up, call me I am always a prime choice for a good laugh and I'm always doing something crazy! 😜
                      • Doreen Rodgers
                        I really like this new pulmonologist! She ordered lots of tests and really wants to help me figure this out it seems. They said I will be having basically a full day of being at the hospital on Monday. Also, will be starting some sort of pulmonary rehab. Something like that. I'll find out more later. Anyhoo... I am feeling really positive. Here is to a great weekend! 😁
                        • Ethan Lee
                          If you destroy somebody's life with vicious lies, take it as a loan, because it will come back to you with high interest. #karma
                          • Tanisha Bell
                            I don't know what it is but there's nothing more gross to me than other people snogging (messy kissing). I mean, it's great for them but if I have to hear their slurpy mouth noises , then I will cringe so badly and possibly even barf!
                            • Sarah Rose Bloom
                              Anybody who knows me knows I love animals. What I don’t love is when I want to sit outside and relax in my own backyard after I have busted my rear end all day doing yard work and I have to have your dog constantly barking a high pitch “yep” at me non stop! I am now forced to go inside and the dog continues to bark just as loud. SO ANNOYED!
                              • Amber Vanlerberghe
                                I can't believe I have let myself be disrespected so many times in my life just because I cared so much for other people and their feelings , I will continue being respectful and caring but I will no longer accept disregard and disrespectful behavior!

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