All Statuses & Comments posts

    • Sassy
      How on earth I came upon this site I don’t know😄 but I like it and it’s pleasant that people can e😜ress themselves without all the pretension Facebook posts, etc
      • Kate Gaughan
        Accidentally goose egged my kitty in the skull with a hard mouse toy! I'm very upset at myself. She was making angry meows that she never makes and is now hiding behind a chair from me. I made sure she was okay but I'm still upset I hurt her small head. My poor sweet kitty!
        • Julie Furnas
          I was gonna go home for Christmas but the flights are all over $800 and if I’m flying anywhere for more than $800 it’s gonna be out of this country!
          • Jade Tailor
            You want to impress me? Don't come at me with titles, degrees and money for those are accomplishments and though they are wonderful, they do not define you as a human being. Show me love and compassion for the less fortunate, generosity for the needy and patience and tolerance for those that don't think like you do and then I will be impressed.
            • Susie Foote
              I am feeling very down been playing the video ghost with Justin Bieber and Diane Keaton just because I am getting older and next month 49 and yet I have a daughter that after foster care choose to believe what was embedded in her head and I think a niece of mine is telling her ugly things, it so I mourn this child as if she is dead. No contact 10 yrs. now she's 22 long out of foster care. My own siblings treat me as I am so devictive due to my mental illness. I am suppose to be ready in a week for surgery but can't get up off this couch due to hip and back pain and some mild depression. Why does life have to hurt so much? I have had a lot of horrific crap happen in my life all due to other's and how they have chose to treat me. I just want to feel loved, cared about and leave a positive legacy for my loved ones.
              • Nick Williams
                Honestly guys, I'm the saddest I've been in a really long time so I'm struggling to be the positive advocate I have been for the last ten years. This page helps me too just like it helps all of you guys! My Mom was the most important person in my life and anyone who knows me personally knows the close bond we shared. I miss her so much Gonna keep going forward as each bad e😜erience makes us stronger.
                • News Update
                  The new covid19 pill is going to be a "Life Saver"! Anthony Stephen Fauci said that Pfizer reduces the risk of hospitalizations and death by 89% saving people's lives.
                  • Chantel Phillips
                    My Rheumatologist says I shouldn't get too excited about how great I'm feeling and about how I can walk 3 miles per night now, because that is the effect of my current treatment. Now that I'm taking a regular monthly dose she says I will start to get sore again though to what extent is unknown. I feel like one of Robin Williams patients in Awakenings - where they slowly come put of a catatonic state, but then eventually slide back into it. I'm pretty stubborn and determined so I'm going to take full advantage of my mobility while I'm "awake" and pretend she didnt say that.
                    • Julia Fleet
                      Sometimes I really wonder about things. Actually, I do so quite frequently. Like, am I making the right choices for myself? What may come of any of these decisions in the nearby future? I never get any exact answer- I have worries and fears like many other people. I'm just not sure if right now I should let them stop me or just say forget it and move forward with certain choices. I even go as far as to think out possible outcomes and scenarios to almost anything and yet, still it doesn't help. I really hope i'm not just crazy.
                      • Food Network
                        When you have a Costco bag of broccoli and need to use it up, and are also stuck at home with contractors, why not make Panera-style broccoli soup! My family says it tastes better than the original, but most likely motivated by our once seeing a Panera employee dump out a bag of soup for serving!
                        • Christopher Williams
                          I am probably the only person on Earth who stands in front of a Keurig coffee machine screaming, "HURRY UP, OR ELSE!".
                          • Nichol Kessinger ( Nicole Sophia Miller )
                            Why have I been watching YouTube videos on natural at home births, doulas and midwives all morning? I really need to get a life. And, NO I do not want a baby Lol, I still need to gain some wealth and travel the world!!
                            • Anna Magnotta
                              I’m a chameleon. I’m literally everything in one person and I dip in and out of each spectrum often. It’s like I can fit in anywhere and I’m into everything. Depending on what my mood is that’s what I’m going to be. My music is random, my friends are random, my appearance is random, what entertains me is random. It depends on how I’m feeling. I think consistency is boring, the same thing is boring, routine is boring. Being an everything kind of person keeps you on your toes.
                              • Roso Da Sco
                                I'm out of work until who knows when. I have two job interviews tomorrow. I did get a job offer, waiting for background check to come back (shouldn’t be a problem to pass). Maybe I’m not as bad off as I thought. I used all my money except $200 to pay bills and buy food for until 2/1/2022. I have no credit card debt and after 2/1 I’ll have to worry about cell and car payment. On a happier note, I have beef stew on the stove (free ingredients from food pantry, and some humble but decent Xmas presents bought and wrapped. Oh and I’m 10.5 months sober!
                                • Kim Zolciak
                                  To those who have been trying to contact me today by call or text. My phone was cut off due to not having my card in time to pay it thanks to some prick who used my card info and I had to wait 10 days to get a new one. Longest 10 days ever when you're so close to being broke af.

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