Chantel Phillips


Details play a big roll in my life, I'm a serious nature lover and everything I do is to preserve it. I buy natural vegan food for my kitchen and I feed my cat and dog with chemicals free foods only.
Right now I work from home because it is important to keep the planet earth free by not running the car unnecessarily everyday.
I powered my home with renewable energy, went ahead and replaced all regular incandescent Light Bulbs already, upcycled my furniture, I did recycle all the extra closet  clothes etc. I studied Child Care at Ivy Tech Community College Fort Wayne,  Coliseum Campus.
My biggest concerns and fear is dealing with parasites, viruses and other forms of life that attack the intestines and stomachs of human lives.


Softball, Running, Acrobatics and Swimming at Olympics

Insurance CompanyMathews Insurance Agency, Inc. for my vehicles, it is located at 4011 W Jefferson Blvd Suite 210, Fort Wayne Oral Maxillofacial Surgery & Implant Center, Their phone number is (260) 749-9696
Date Today
Preferred Color #E316BE
List of Hobbies

Cooking cookies, Cooking Sea Food, Painting with Kids, Singing, Playing Piano music,

ProfessionChild Care Business

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The Wire

    • Chantel Phillips
      I have been taking this Afrobeat dance class and it’s my favorite thing ever. If you would like to join its every Tuesday at 6pm and Sunday at 12pm at the World Dance Center. You either pay what you feel or nothing at all. This Saturday they will be having a Black History month event at our local park. They also have so many other classes all culturally based and open to any and everyone. African dance class, drum class , etc. Let me know if you want more information!
      • Chantel Phillips
        The whole checkout process at ALDIs is super stressful for me. I always feel like I’m rushed through and I know that’s the point of it where we have to bag our own groceries so it makes it faster but still every time I feel like I’m inconveniencing someone my chest tightens up. I’m just ready to run back and sit in my car alone and breathe. I don’t know, I’m just weird lol
        • Chantel Phillips
          Two of the greatest things I have learned in life is to never judge somebody before you get to know them, and to never judge something before you experience it. Some of the most 'hood' looking guys have ended up being some of the sweetest and caring human beings I have met and some of the most hillbilly red-neck guys have been some of the most knowledgeable that I have ever met in my life.
          • Chantel Phillips
            My Rheumatologist says I shouldn't get too excited about how great I'm feeling and about how I can walk 3 miles per night now, because that is the effect of my current treatment. Now that I'm taking a regular monthly dose she says I will start to get sore again though to what extent is unknown. I feel like one of Robin Williams patients in Awakenings - where they slowly come put of a catatonic state, but then eventually slide back into it. I'm pretty stubborn and determined so I'm going to take full advantage of my mobility while I'm "awake" and pretend she didnt say that.
            • Chantel Phillips
              Chantel Phillips posted to the wire
              I have been taking this Afrobeat dance class and it’s my favorite thing ever. If you would like to join its every Tuesday at 6pm and Sunday at 12pm at the World Dance Center. You either pay what you feel or nothing at all. This Saturday they will be having a Black History month event at our local park. They also have so many other classes all culturally based and open to any and everyone. African dance class, drum class , etc. Let me know if you want more information!
              • Chantel Phillips
                Omg same! I was like wow. This is really intense for them to give absolutely no hint to this without a trigger warning!
                • Chantel Phillips
                  Chantel Phillips posted to the wire
                  The whole checkout process at ALDIs is super stressful for me. I always feel like I’m rushed through and I know that’s the point of it where we have to bag our own groceries so it makes it faster but still every time I feel like I’m inconveniencing someone my chest tightens up. I’m just ready to run back and sit in my car alone and breathe. I don’t know, I’m just weird lol
                  • Chantel Phillips
                    Chantel Phillips posted to the wire
                    Two of the greatest things I have learned in life is to never judge somebody before you get to know them, and to never judge something before you experience it. Some of the most 'hood' looking guys have ended up being some of the sweetest and caring human beings I have met and some of the most hillbilly red-neck guys have been some of the most knowledgeable that I have ever met in my life.
                    • Chantel Phillips
                      Chantel Phillips posted to the wire
                      My Rheumatologist says I shouldn't get too excited about how great I'm feeling and about how I can walk 3 miles per night now, because that is the effect of my current treatment. Now that I'm taking a regular monthly dose she says I will start to get sore again though to what extent is unknown. I feel like one of Robin Williams patients in Awakenings - where they slowly come put of a catatonic state, but then eventually slide back into it. I'm pretty stubborn and determined so I'm going to take full advantage of my mobility while I'm "awake" and pretend she didnt say that.
                      • Chantel Phillips
                        Chantel Phillips joined the site

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