Milan Zodiac


I love nature, forest green, animal kingdom wild life, minerals and metals and rocks. Life in general on the planet earth.


I watch Football games sometimes. Basketball, Hockey on Ice,


I love to watch Animal Planet, Natural Wildlife, Born Free

Insurance CompanyState Farm insurance
Date Today
Preferred Color #1DD323
List of Hobbies

Cooking, Reading Books, Watching TV Shows in Netflix and HBO, Cinemax etc.

ProfessionNaturalist, Archaeologist, Born Free, Nature

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Statuses & Comments

    • Milan Zodiac
      Some people never seem to amaze me...want to come out of nowhere on a random day acting like they care. I've got this have since day one ,, don't worry about it keep on with your turn up,, and worrying about other things. I really wish i would have thought ,,and choose someone better but you live and learn I guess.
      • Milan Zodiac
        I want my Manhattan and Harlem peeps to weigh in. It's been years since I've been there but in my memory, the best pizza in the whole world is foldable authentic NY style pizza bought from a food cart or truck on the streets. Please confirm or deny this.
        • Milan Zodiac
          I read something yesterday that said we all have a sad story - you can use it as an excuse or as motivation. Grind harder. You are not your circumstances and cycles can be broken. l AM LIVING PROOF! Choose better, do better.
          • Milan Zodiac
            Why not being very happy and considering having hundreds of friends worldwide. People should stop aggravating with-others and join the team against the virus, people should wear double mask for better protection when they are in public. I go all the times climbing mountains and big rocks and discovering new stuff outdoors at nature,
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