Do You All Listen To Book Related Podcasts?

Do You All Listen To Book Related Podcasts?
I want people’s opinions: As readers, do you all listen to book related podcasts? To add to the discussion as writers what do you do to decompress from a long writing session.
Reading Podcast Books Reading Podcast Books

A Large book collection.

Answers (13)

    • Angel So

      I listen all the times when I'm bored and want to clean the house, the are very interesting Podcasts.

      • Harmony Woods

        Uncut Podcast is my podcast I run and very proud of it’s all about being a writer and like other podcasts has some explicit content but we pride ourselves in the unedited form for the most part having our uncut thoughts on different reading, writing and book topics.

        • Coraline Key

          I would but I can rarely find the time to listen to podcasts. As far as decompressing, it's pretty much the same as from anything that takes a lot of concentration. Social media, reading, watch a show or a movie. One of those, or all...

          • Milan Zodiac

            I'd love to listen to some book-related podcasts.. Do you prefer decompressing by compressing it into other avenues that demand attention? That’s actually interesting.

            • Angela Gray

              I don't listen to them much, myself. But as I'm promoting my books right now, I'm trying to get on them as much as possible to get exposure.

            • No. I listen to podcasts on other topics I'm interested in. When it comes to books, I'd rather read them than listen to people talk about them.
              Well, maybe I try to listen, depending on the format. I love the podcasts that feel like authentically natural one-on-one chats.
              Been listening to them more since publishing, and have appeared on a handful myself since the authoring world is super supportive!

              • Sara Tankard

                As a reader I prefer to read books myself and not listen to them, it's just not the same. I know some people do enjoy listening to books though.
                Not listening to books, listening to podcasts about book like topics lol.

              • I listen to the Currently Reading podcast.
                I feel like my podcast captures that but im super opinionated lmfao.

                • Lauren Archer

                  lol aren't we all? But hey, if you don't have belief in your own work it sure as heck won't get anywhere.

                • If you say "I don't know what a podcast is lol".
                   Woah you are missing out! Trust me go look for one! Altered Legacy: Uncut Podcast is mine

                  • William Smith

                    Ha. No podcast yet. Too busy with work, life, family, writing, publishing, and marketing. Essentially being surprisingly competent.

                    • Rita Wilson

                      Wanna swap podcast links? Always up for networking.
                      Writing is what I do to decompress.

                    • I make a podcast about books and movies so I listen to others on occasion as research.

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