Karen Jacobson


I'm a woman who loves cheese cakes and baking lots of cookies for all kids who I get near to. I also have 6 cats at my home and they are really cute pets.

Insurance CompanyLouisiana Auto Insurance. Save big money on bundled policies, cars, vehicles.
Date Today
Preferred Color #73D216
ProfessionAssistant dentist at a clinic

Statuses & Comments

    • Karen Jacobson
      Got my attitude together after sitting in standstill traffic for an hour. I can deal with a lot of things, traffic ain’t one of them. We just got to the theater and got our bucket of popcorn, gonna watch Avatar! These kids need the time with me as much as possible this day off of work and best of all. Unfortunately I work again tomorrow, but we will pack some major Christmas fun in this weekend for sure, so excited!
      • Karen Jacobson
        Poltergeist. I can't get my head around this movie being 40 years old already!! I'm kind of glad the second one wasn't on straight after as I'd still be down there watching it, even though the Preacher scares the crap out of me. Now I'm remembering about being off my face while being wheeled to the anaesthesia room, and falling off of the couch when the anaesthetist appeared as, as far as I was concerned, he was that Preacher. I'd been ok until then, telling the nurse I needed to fart but couldn't as I fire out the suppository (she'd had to shove it up us) into the back of the guy pulling the bed down the hallway. Then I was looking up at the painting of Winnie the Pooh and friends on the ceiling of the room. All because I was having my wisdom teeth surgically removed!
        • Karen Jacobson
          Number 9252 of why I hate CVS Pharmacy ...I needed to stop in real quick and get some milk and these mother huffers are charging $6.87 for a gallon of milk! Nevermind everybody complaining about gas prices, let’s gripe about milk prices at CVS: Those price gouging jerks!!
          • Karen Jacobson
            One child had my Mountain Dew and chocolate and is wild the other is so sleepy she can't stand herself up and keeps being so whiny. And yet, them fighting is what is driving me crazy. 😁
            • Karen Jacobson
              Karen Jacobson posted to Statuses & Comments
              Got my attitude together after sitting in standstill traffic for an hour. I can deal with a lot of things, traffic ain’t one of them. We just got to the theater and got our bucket of popcorn, gonna watch Avatar! These kids need the time with me as much as possible this day off of work and best of all. Unfortunately I work again tomorrow, but we will pack some major Christmas fun in this weekend for sure, so excited!
              • Karen Jacobson
                Karen Jacobson commented on the blog Autistic Children Of America
                My 8 year old autistic son says: I love trains. My favorite type of engine in Strasburg is the Strasburg railroad 89. It used to be a Canadian National. You can tell because the front says Canadian National. I like its coal tender. It says Strasburg...Read more
                • Karen Jacobson
                  Karen Jacobson published a blog post Jello Pudding Pops Recipe
                  Good Recipe For Jello Pudding Pops Popsicles
                    • Mary Binkley

                      Jello Pudding Pops are a great desert family choice because when they taste it, they just eat it all.

                      • Janet Kelleher

                        I love your recipe for Jello Pudding Pops. It is easy to make and it gives excellent flavor results.

                        • Ebby Ebb

                          Still, I love chocolate and vanilla products, they are my favorites. I could try the taste of Jello Pudding Pops, and maybe.. I could be satisfied too.

                        • Karen Jacobson
                          Karen Jacobson posted to Statuses & Comments
                          Poltergeist. I can't get my head around this movie being 40 years old already!! I'm kind of glad the second one wasn't on straight after as I'd still be down there watching it, even though the Preacher scares the crap out of me. Now I'm remembering about being off my face while being wheeled to the anaesthesia room, and falling off of the couch when the anaesthetist appeared as, as far as I was concerned, he was that Preacher. I'd been ok until then, telling the nurse I needed to fart but couldn't as I fire out the suppository (she'd had to shove it up us) into the back of the guy pulling the bed down the hallway. Then I was looking up at the painting of Winnie the Pooh and friends on the ceiling of the room. All because I was having my wisdom teeth surgically removed!
                          • Karen Jacobson
                            Karen Jacobson posted to Statuses & Comments
                            Number 9252 of why I hate CVS Pharmacy ...I needed to stop in real quick and get some milk and these mother huffers are charging $6.87 for a gallon of milk! Nevermind everybody complaining about gas prices, let’s gripe about milk prices at CVS: Those price gouging jerks!!
                            • Karen Jacobson
                              Thank you for sharing! Sometimes it’s hard to keep the future in perspective when there are sooo many expenses now. I have 2 kids 4-7and I know that the expenses are going to increase through college. Our future is important and shouldn’t be taken...
                              • Karen Jacobson
                                What a difference between the two pics. You can tell she’d had a rough life in the first pic. Now she looks so happy and loved! I’m so incredibly sorry for the loss you’ve endured. I 100% believe your daughter sent you this puppy to help bring joy...
                                • Karen Jacobson
                                  What's in your laundry powder? Mine is borax, Arm and Hammer super washing soda, Fels Naphtha.
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