
    • Nichol Kessinger ( Nicole Sophia Miller )
      I'm struggling. I'm constantly overwhelmed/burned out. My job, my personal life, and many things actually, completely overwhelm me to the point where I don't want to leave home at all. I have no extra energy to do anything. Usually gardening and listening to music / dancing are my go-tos for anxiety relief, but they aren't even helping me lately! The constant anxiety is really getting to me.
        • Patricia Holt

          Prayer (talk to God) B complex, magnesium, valerian, rescue remedy,, helps us tremendously, this advised by our homeopathic Dr. Valerian is a natural calming herb, morning and night , B complex morning, magnesium morning and night until it gets in system then back down to evening, I carry rescue remedy in my pocket for work,,, for emergency,, all these are natural, vitamins and herbs, Also, think back to when you were younger and what made you feel uplifted then, or just try different things so you can find out what your passion is. Most importantly, stay positive and honest with people around you about how you're feeling.

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          • Sassy

            Nicole, look into think the thing is quietly many people suffer from anxiety and depression it’s very brave to be able to express these feelings, I have personally been through very difficult phases and you feel as though everyone around you seems to be full of life and energy, smiling etc and you can feel disconnected and alone. It is well at least for me -moments in time

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            • Sassy

              I guess I use comparisons of external events ie current things in the world for me to reality test. I’ve mentioned on this site before it works for me again perhaps try swimming, it enables people to get out of their heads in terms of ruminating thiughts for at least a little while

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