Patricia Holt


Coming home from a failed marriage or relationship is much better than coming home in coffin. I am living proof.

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    • Patricia Holt
      Every day I feel the emptiness that should never be there but I know one day it will all be gone I only can have the faith it's not too late. Life gives us ways to be what will become a reflection of how you define yourself and look at others sometimes the hardest things to overcome in life can become the easiest and the easiest become more manageable sure there will be hurt that falls back every know and then however take a look at yourself in the mirror and realize the person you can be other than what others try to make you don't be a target for someone else's unhappiness.
      • Patricia Holt
        Imagine if you put the same amount of energy into the possibility of things going good as you do with the possibility of things going bad.
        • Patricia Holt
          I honestly and truly want to write a book. I have learned so much in my life from the things I have e😜erienced and I really want to share that with the world because I know it will help other people. There are chapters of my story that I have never read out loud. But I feel so compelled to share it now. There are some people that know bits and pieces of it and still say “it’s amazing that you are how you are with all you’ve been through.” The crazy thing is they don’t even know the half or a quarter. I’ve never let anything I’ve e😜erienced change my heart or the way I love people. I never turned cold. I’ve always kept my faith open. I would give someone the shirt off of my back if I had to.
          • Patricia Holt
            Patricia Holt commented on My 2 cents worth: The...
            Was the slap warranted absolutely. Was it necessary at that time? Absolutely not. I feel like there is a time and place for everything. He could’ve slapped him after the show. It also , in my opinion, shows the lack of control one has over their...Read more
            • Patricia Holt
              Patricia Holt commented on I'm struggling. I'm...
              Prayer (talk to God) B complex, magnesium, valerian, rescue remedy,, helps us tremendously, this advised by our homeopathic Dr. Valerian is a natural calming herb, morning and night , B complex morning, magnesium morning and night until it gets in...Read more
              • Patricia Holt
                Patricia Holt posted to Statuses & Comments
                Every day I feel the emptiness that should never be there but I know one day it will all be gone I only can have the faith it's not too late. Life gives us ways to be what will become a reflection of how you define yourself and look at others sometimes the hardest things to overcome in life can become the easiest and the easiest become more manageable sure there will be hurt that falls back every know and then however take a look at yourself in the mirror and realize the person you can be other than what others try to make you don't be a target for someone else's unhappiness.
                • Patricia Holt
                  Patricia Holt commented on I have been in bed all...
                  There are not many shows or movies I can just sit through and I have the shortest attention span so the fact I finished it all today spoke volumessss. That freaking blows that they cancelled it.
                  • Patricia Holt
                    Patricia Holt posted to Statuses & Comments
                    Imagine if you put the same amount of energy into the possibility of things going good as you do with the possibility of things going bad.
                    • Patricia Holt
                      Patricia Holt posted to Statuses & Comments
                      I honestly and truly want to write a book. I have learned so much in my life from the things I have e😜erienced and I really want to share that with the world because I know it will help other people. There are chapters of my story that I have never read out loud. But I feel so compelled to share it now. There are some people that know bits and pieces of it and still say “it’s amazing that you are how you are with all you’ve been through.” The crazy thing is they don’t even know the half or a quarter. I’ve never let anything I’ve e😜erienced change my heart or the way I love people. I never turned cold. I’ve always kept my faith open. I would give someone the shirt off of my back if I had to.
                      • Patricia Holt
                        Patricia Holt commented on the file Happy Marriage
                        Bad marriages cause good people to cry of sadness.
                        • Patricia Holt
                          I froze my cards so no one can use them unless I call to unfreeze for each purchase, I was only afraid of identity theft , not sure if it helps but I feel better about it.
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