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    • John Deere
      Do you wanna know why so many people are driving around uninsured? Because even when you’re a great driver and have no claims your insurance goes up at renewal time $70+ extra dollars per month. So now we’re back at almost $500/month for “just in case.” It’s about irritating. My rant for the day! #insurance
      • Charlize Theron
        I'm at such a loss. I'm heartbroken and destroyed. My little girl cat, Piglet passed away in my arms this morning. She was having problems yesterday so we went to the vets. All her bloodwork and tests were fine. The only things found were that she was dehydrated and had low blood sugar. We gave her Karo syrup to raise her blood sugar and an injection of fluids to help with the dehydration. I brought her home and she just didn't seem to improve. I kept giving her simple syrup and water and she would sleep for a while then wake up and we would do it again. This morning around 8 am she passed in my arms. I'm so lost. She is part of the reason I woke up every day. She loved giving me nose kisses and was so good at stealing food off of my plate. She was not just a cat she was my baby, my girl. She slept next to me every night and she just knew when I was having a bad day and would come curl up around my neck and give me kisses. I don't know what to do without her. I'm so damn lost. I miss her so much I can't quit crying. Rest easy my Piglet girl. Momma will see you again at that Rainbow Bridge, I love you forever.
        • Anya Taylor
          To the lady with 4+ kids with her and wouldn’t allow ANYBODY to help the little girl get out of the grocery cart at Kroger, DO BETTER. I understand wanting a child to learn how to do things on their own, but she was CRYING and BEGGING you to help her. You wouldn’t even allow the other child with you to help her. Not only was you being heartless towards that child that you made sure everybody knew “wasn’t yours,” you wasn’t respectful to others around you by basically blocking the exit for 5 minutes making her do it on her own. She could have seriously hurt herself and you did not give 2 shats. You’re right, she’s NOT my kid, but I WILL speak up for any child around me that I feel like is being treated unfairly. SHAME ON YOU! #shame
          • Destiny Nordstrom
            So I may be reading into this waaayyyy to far but id rather be safe than sorry. Yesterday my boyfriend and I got home from work and noticed there was a zip tie on our back gate. He said he noticed it when we left for work and mentioned it but I guess i didn’t hear him. We’ve lived here for a few months and i know that it wasn’t there when we bought our house and we definitely didn’t put a random zip tie on our gate. I went out and cut it off and searched the rest of our fence/the front gate and didn’t find anything out of the ordinary. So maybe it’s just a random zip tie or maybe someone put it there. Who knows. Just wanted to mention it in case anyone else has something similar happen to them.
            • Kim Zolciak
              “Before I was 6 years old, my grandparents and my mother had taught me that if all the green things that grow were taken from the earth, there could be no life. If all the four-legged creatures were taken from the earth, there could be no life. If all the winged creatures were taken from the earth, there could be no life. If all our relatives who crawl and swim and live within the earth were taken away, there could be no life. But if all the human beings were taken away, life on earth would flourish. That is how insignificant we are.” - Russell Means, Oglala Lakota Nation
              • Amber Ligon
                I started a new journey today, I’m so excited to announce that I will be the new Behavioral Health Nurse at Integrated Health for the sweetest Psych NP ever!! I can’t wait to see where the future brings me!!! If you need a provider for mental health please feel free to ask me all about it!
                • Joanne Lees
                  I’ve started feeding my dog people food on the regular along with a fresh dog food delivery. It’s harder than what I thought it would be because he’s picky. He really doesn’t care for a fried egg but loves ham /mayo purée. It’s helped his skin and he poop less often but I’m not sure if he’s fully appreciative of my efforts? He does not care for bananas at all! I think he would starve on that hill. Gonna see if this is going to work for the long haul but so far so good.
                  • Gwyneth Paltrow
                    Thinking back of all the times I cut my cousins hair , and I’m talking full on hair cuts , pixie cuts , bowl , normal trim cuts and never got in trouble … they really just let me follow my dream of being a hair stylist like that. Also : never became a hair stylist lol.
                    • Ronald Robinson
                      My dad grew up in a small town, rural community. In the 1940s, he was about 10 or 12 years old and was walking with his mother to his sister’s house for dinner. She was much older and was married and had her own home. To get to her house, they had to walk down a road lined with trees. There were no houses on that section of the road, and since it was late fall, it was already getting dark. My dad said that they suddenly heard the clip clop of a running horse, and it sounded like it was running towards them, but they saw nothing. It kept getting closer, until it seemed like it was right in front of them, and they turned and started to run. The sounds seemed to slow, as if it didn’t want to run them over, but they could smell the animal and feel it’s breath, but still saw nothing. They arrived back home, and the phantom horse was suddenly gone. My dad believed that the horse was the spirit of his own beloved horse that had died a few months before. He thought that it was possibly protecting them from some danger that would befall them if they had continued down that road.
                      • Kim Zolciak
                        I'm sitting here this 4th of July evening with a heavy mind and heart. These last few days have been so chaotic!! We had to move from where we were, and was told that she had spoken with the sheriffs department, and because we didnt pay rent, she could legally kick us out then, and that we had to leave. Which in all actuality, that was a bold faced lie because we had lived there for over a year so we had 30 days from the time we were told we had to be out. We were originally told that we had until the 30th to be out. Being as niave as I am, I took it for face value. She was however "nice enough" to give me until Wednesday @ 12 to be out so I would have a storage building to put ally furniture and things in. So frantically I pack the rest of my stuff, amd I'm able to get ally furniture out. My daughters and I spent all Tuesday and yesterday packing, and hauling things to our storage building, and to my mothers. My oldest 2 children were up over 24 hours, and I was up for 36 hours in total until I was able to sleep. My in-laws, amd my mother even allowed us to use their vehicles to pack things in your get out stuff outta there. Trying to save time, I sat things outside my stotage building knowing Y would be right back with another load. While i was gone, there there was a phone call made to the sheriff's department, and that point that's when I was told that what she was trying to do was illegal. There was an officer that showed up, and things were settled, and I had until 3 the next days to get the test of my stuff, and also clean the floors, and wipe everything down so I left it how it was when we moved in. When I made it back to my storage building someone had stolen practically all the stuff I had left. There was probably $300 of makeup, a whole garbage bag full of practically all our shoes, two electric heaters, $300 worth medical stuff, $375 worth of art supplies and coloring books, and a laundry basket full of irreplacable items.
                        • George Lucas
                          After today the gifts my kids receive will be books, clothing or a card for a movie or activity or the gifts will return with the giver. I doubt I get sleep as I watch for signs of poisoning/ obstruction after fisher bit into one of the kids squishes that had water beads in it. I’m not positive he didn’t swallow it. I swear I can’t even pee without hell breaking loose. I thought I had them all thrown away but these kids are squirrels .People need to keep whole families in mind for when buying junk for kids. I’m beyond angry and scared at the moment. Worst 4th of July ever! Not even sure how I will e😜lain this to their mother.
                          • Erica Campbells
                            Heading to a cookout with my sister and her 12yr old daughter. My niece is holding a watermelon. Ok, we all know what's next, righ? She says, "I'm carrying a watermelon". Of course I'm laughing. I had to show her the famous clip from the Dirty Dancing movie. She stood there and just rolled her eyes. Someone come get my niece. I'm outta here!
                              • Vanessa Larae

                                I said this to an 17-year old recently, caught myself and said, “Oh wait, you have no idea what I’m talking about.” He said, “Of course I do, it’s when Baby carried the watermelon to the party where she meets Johnny.” I was VERY IMPRESSED.

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                              • Food Network
                                Having a very uncomfortable Independence Day holiday ugh. No more picking up my almost 3-year-old unless I absolutely have to until my knee is better. I think I tore something in my left knee. We’ll see how the remainder of today goes.
                                • Vanessa Larae
                                  This post will probably make me sound old ~~but I can't understand why Disney+ has decided to have shows like the Kardashians, or American Horror Story and Dopesick streaming nowadays! Disney was one TV channel that I never had to monitor because, well, it’s freaking Disney. Even the kids knew that ‘if it was on Disney’, they could watch it. No longer the case and I just don’t understand why when there are so many other streaming channels , #Disney supposed to be kid friendly!
                                  • John Deere
                                    I got my feelings hurt today. It wasn’t the first time and won’t be the last. A year from now I will see this memory and it will remind me how I felt about the situation.

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