Heather Bundy


I'm a sole soul bragging with my little castle at the top of the hill, living in a small city in the U.S. Sometimes I think that I should stop posting my photos in social media and when I try, it just doesn't work, it is an addition in my mind.
I'm an a sweet woman who loves people to know she here and ready to to start personal business.

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Preferred Color #C4A000
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I'm a trainee artist and I like to create things, arts and crafts.

ProfessionFlight Attendat, Airplane Traveller
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    • Heather Bundy
      So we know that men and women are wired different and we don’t think the same. So why is it when a man or woman is e😜ressing how they need to be loved correctly and what they need to be happy the opposite would rather argue with them rather than actually listen?
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