Yolanda Ulin


Love the gets together with my friends after working in Police department every day.
Investigations and more investigating, it is something never ends.
My coworkers seem to enjoy their jobs, but for me keeping studying and increase my chances of ever finding a new job is a kind of priority.
I would like to achieve the goal of becoming an experience lawyer soon from the community college in my town..

Insurance CompanyStandard Insurance Agency for my automobile
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Preferred Color #58BAE4
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Watch Netflix Shoes and Movies on my day off.

ProfessionPolice Patrol, Student
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    • Yolanda Ulin
      Sometimes you just have to make peace with whatever has happened in the past inorder to keep your present and future from becoming a constant battle. Leave the past in the past, those who dwell in the past don't last, they fade very fast. Let go of the things that drain the joy of today and steal the blessings of tomorrow. If you don't heal from the Hurts and wounds of the past, you are going to bleed on those who didn't cut you. The past you didn't make peace with will keep showing up in the present. So accept whatever has happened, learn from it, and get on with your life. The past is gone, Don't live in regrets, pick up the pieces you can get, and build again, this time stronger, better and wiser. What can't be changed should be endured, in your endurance, you find strength to do greater things. Make peace with your past, make the most of your present, and you will create a greater future. What's done is done, one of life's greatest lessons is to move on.
      • Yolanda Ulin
        During times when I am living an arguably sad or difficult life (I am clinically depressed) books and reading are pretty much the consistent themes I have to hold onto, and I truly believe they are gonna see me out of all life's storms. I'm so happy books exist, because they are more special to me than I can put into words. They are my safe space from all the craziness and hard times. Okay sappy post over continue your scroll.
        • Yolanda Ulin
          Your personal accountability goes a long way. The moment you stop blaming everything and everybody else for what’s going on with you is when change begins. Take your power back.
          • Yolanda Ulin
            I was just watching a really sweet commercial where the dad is daydreaming about his little girl's future wedding and it says saving today that are important tomorrow and I had to laugh out loud because I don't know too many brides that actually had their parents pay for their wedding day, I guess they should start using BNC banking then hahaha!
            • Yolanda Ulin
              It has been a busy Saturday for the Ulin household. Kids had their first belt test for Karate this morning. Then we headed to Chuck E. Cheese for a birthday party. Now we are on a hike through the park. And tonight we will drive through a Christmas lights display.
              • Yolanda Ulin
                Yolanda Ulin commented on the photo The Resilience Of Humanity
                When I first knew you, I never would have guessed. You were so pretty and looked like you came from the best home. I remember some of what you told me. You have come a long way. No one knows what goes on in anyones home. I am so thankful you know...
                • The Resilience Of Humanity
                • Yolanda Ulin
                  Yolanda Ulin posted to Statuses & Comments
                  Sometimes you just have to make peace with whatever has happened in the past inorder to keep your present and future from becoming a constant battle. Leave the past in the past, those who dwell in the past don't last, they fade very fast. Let go of the things that drain the joy of today and steal the blessings of tomorrow. If you don't heal from the Hurts and wounds of the past, you are going to bleed on those who didn't cut you. The past you didn't make peace with will keep showing up in the present. So accept whatever has happened, learn from it, and get on with your life. The past is gone, Don't live in regrets, pick up the pieces you can get, and build again, this time stronger, better and wiser. What can't be changed should be endured, in your endurance, you find strength to do greater things. Make peace with your past, make the most of your present, and you will create a greater future. What's done is done, one of life's greatest lessons is to move on.
                  • Yolanda Ulin
                    Yolanda Ulin posted to Statuses & Comments
                    During times when I am living an arguably sad or difficult life (I am clinically depressed) books and reading are pretty much the consistent themes I have to hold onto, and I truly believe they are gonna see me out of all life's storms. I'm so happy books exist, because they are more special to me than I can put into words. They are my safe space from all the craziness and hard times. Okay sappy post over continue your scroll.
                    • Yolanda Ulin
                      Yolanda Ulin commented on the blog Jello Pudding Pops Recipe
                      Perfect recipe!! I didn’t have chocolate pudding on hand so used vanilla and otherwise followed the directions exactly. They turned out great! I’m guessing any instant flavor pudding would work. This recipe is the closest thing I've found to the...Read more
                      • Yolanda Ulin
                        Yolanda Ulin commented on the photo Beautiful Tall Albino Giraffe White Color
                        I  love baby Giraffes, I enjoy watching them with their moms.
                        • Beautiful Tall Albino Giraffe White Color
                        • Yolanda Ulin
                          Yolanda Ulin commented on the photo An Albino White Cat with Light Pink Eyes
                          What a cut kitty. I wish I could find one exactly like this one on the photo.
                          • An Albino White Cat with Light Pink Eyes
                          • Yolanda Ulin
                            Yolanda Ulin commented on the file Tesla And Paypal Stocks Owner Elon Musk
                            Money is everything for this guy, he doesn't understand love or compassion in this world.
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