Made With Love

Made With Love

When my children were babies and growing up, there were very hard times often. I won't go into why but I knew I had to make a real effort. I sewed and knitted their clothes, utilising everything I had. Only rarely did I buy fabric because I recycled everything. I did buy wool but always on sale and made sure that they had what they needed. Moving on to food, I always bought the basics and it was focused on their needs, milk, sack of potatoes, bacon ( the type called cooking bacon, it came in a pack as bits) minced beef, minced pork, eggs, flour, sugar, butter and then margarine in a block for baking and cooking, then vegetables and fruit. Rarely salad because no one ate it and it always went off, fruit but usually apples, tangerines and bananas. Not soft fruit. Tea and coffee in large packs, decanted into containers, and biscuits, usually the cheapest. The main thing was to fill their stomachs so things like yogurt and expensive carry out were luxuries which we had on special occasions. We sat at a kitchen table to eat and washed up by hand afterwards. Breakfast was toast and proper butter and Readibreak, a type of porridge. No breakfast bars.  We were all healthy and fit. I have noticed over the years that people who buy take out are less healthy and not fit both financially and mentally. Regarding the vegetables, I could have grown them but I was working long hours and taking care of a family. Ditto my ex husband. However I did grow herbs on the window ledge. Could I have done it better? Yes, without a doubt. Did I bake, yes but not every day. Now just catering for one, I still cook meals that are too large so end up eating left overs or freezing them. Do I get help from others, no. Do I need help, no. I learned something profound, always make sure you don't go to bed with an empty stomach, even if the meal is just toast or beans. Never let your cupboards get bare and always have soup, a biscuit or even a baked potato to offer to visitors. I don't do fancy meals with lots of ingredients but I do make sure that it is made with love.

    • Tracie Holliday

      My two sisters and I grew up poor, but we never thought we were poor. We had treats to eat (buttered bread sprinkled with sugar), and biscuits with gravy, and my Mom's famous Potatoes and Point. What's POINT, you ask? Well, we asked her the same thing one evening. I said something smelled VERY good, and asked what she was cooking. She said it was an old Irish meal called Potatoes and Point. I replied, "What is that?" She showed us all the pan of potatoes that was frying on the stove and said "Here are the potatoes, and Point to where the meat should be" LOL She knew more ways to fix potatoes than anyone else I ever knew.

      • Kanto Stefano

        My mom sewed all of our clothes except for my sisters dresses, my brother and I are only thirteen mo. apart she made our clothes alike till we were teenagers..We always had a garden and the vegetables were canned. We had chickens for eggs and meat. We also had a hog once, the meat went in a smoke house sure was good. As kids we didn't realize how hard it was on them but they managed quite well!

        • Jake Frost

          I wish I was born at the time of that photo, I love olden cuisine and foods cooking for large families.

          • Heather Pearlswig

            I love old historical photos.

            • Alison Rutty

              Those people long time ago really meant a smile, they weren't fake when taking photos, and there were very cute families.

              • Richard Madden

                That is a cute longtime family, nice photo by the way.

                • Mary Binkley

                  Very nice photo, it looks like they were a happy family long time ago.

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