Holly Brown


My life is wonderful because I believe in me, in my powers as a woman with future. I'm the kind of person that goes to sleep early and waking up early everyday because every single day is a new life and it is very excitement to live it.
I live near my job and very close to the college where I studied and it is great, so happy.
All my clinical patients hear my instructions clearly at the Patient care.


Softball, Basketball

Insurance CompanyPeters Enterprises Insurance Agency
Date Today
Preferred Color #D91717
ProfessionAudiologist Patient care
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    • Holly Brown
      It is never too late to change your mind. If something is not working out for you pivot. The beauty of life is that change is always an option.
      • Holly Brown
        Just when I think that fastfood is unable to possibly call me on my phone, B00M! CURLY FRIES!!!
        • Holly Brown
          So my neighbor's dogs just barked at me and out of instinct not thinking, I automatically meowed back at them. I would say I'm crazy, but I heard crazy people don't acknowledge that fact. 😁
          • Holly Brown
            This is why I love my roomate, we went to Costco to buy groceries and while walking down one of the aisles she stops and looks at me and says “Do you want to feed the homeless to brighten their Valentine's Day?” I’m like sure why not . She just bought a bunch of food and now we are on our way to pass out food. What was supposed to be just a grocery run turned into feeding the homeless. She has such a big heart. She’s always doing something for somebody for no reason and I admire her for that so much! We even passed out a bunch of chocolate hearts to them! ♥
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