Marley Rose


Hello, I'm Marlen and I'm so happy to be a new member because i want to participate on the gift away of Twenty Five Thousand dollars from this social media website.
I officially know that it is a true offer because I spoken with the administrator already and I'm inviting everyone to join the team of Book of Likes.

Anyways, i teach children at a private school and now all the teaching classes must be done with the app online. It is a difficult task for teachers and parents too, because only this way, we can prevent the virus from touching those that are the most weak family members. At first, I asked What degree is necessary to become a teacher? Then i went ahead and did it what it took to teach in a public school. 
I studied at Boston University and hold a bachelor's degree with a minimum GPA, after that before getting a job, the hire personnel checked my  background, and I passed it right away to. plus, I went thru the complete a student teaching program, also.


I usually play when others invite me to join them on a game. The most important sports to me are those with a lot of rules:

Basketball, Volleyball, American Football, and soccer Football.


The Invisible Man, Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey, Bloodshot, Bad Boys For Life, Onward, Scoob!, Sonic the Hedgehog.

Some more great new movies, I mean, the latest playing right now on theaters:
The Grudge, The Rhythm Section, Enola Holmes, The Way Back, The Turning, Emma, Downhill, Like a Boss, The Secret: Dare to Dream, Da 5 Bloods, 
The Lovebirds, I'm Thinking of Ending Things.

Insurance CompanyState Farm home and car insurance coverage.
Date Today
Preferred Color #B40898
List of Hobbies

Watch TV shows early in the morning, draw faces and peoples bodies, designing clothing for girls, going for walking with friends and my husband, walking lso the dog and feeding my cats at home.

ProfessionSchool Teacher

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Group membership

    • Marley Rose
      Marley Rose posted to the wire
      My BookOfLikes memories are the reason I don’t post about my relationships anymore. Because that’s just embarrassing and should be private for now on. I don’t need to be constantly reminded of how dumb I was. Let me be dumb without the future reminders lol.
      • Marley Rose
        Marley Rose posted to the wire
        I'm disappointed! I Picked a free movie from crackle to watch because I thought the screen said Onassis. It turns out it said Assassin's. By the time I figured out it wasn't a movie about Jackie and Ari, I was too far involved.
        • Marley Rose
          Marley Rose commented on Hello, I know everyone...
          I can’t imagine what you’re going through right now, but please don’t hesitate to ask if there’s anything I could do for you and your family. We love you guys.
          • Marley Rose
            If anybody is strong and stubborn enough to come out of this, it's your dad! He definitely has a very strong will. Healing time is all he needs. Never give up hope, hugs!!
            • Marley Rose
              Marley Rose commented on Why this random man at...
              That’s what my friend said lol missed opportunity lol
              • Marley Rose
                Marley Rose posted to the wire
                Why this random man at the park ask me for a picture of my feet? Sir… please back away before I spray you with my invisible pepper spray…
                • Marley Rose
                  Marley Rose posted to the wire
                  I would like to take a moment to wish all my family and friends a very Merry Christmas! As I reflect on the last few months, I want to remind everyone to Love Life and you can never say I Love you too often or lend a helping hand when needed. Who knows what will happen in the next minute, hour or the next day! Please say a prayer for my several friends who have lost someone recently, its always tough but even tougher when its at the holidays! LOVE EACH OTHER!!!
                  • Marley Rose
                    I appreciate being thought of. If it's a homemade card or heck even nail polish from the dollar store I'd be ecstatic that someone thought of me at the holidays. I rarely get anything from anyone.

                  The Wire

                    • Marley Rose
                      My BookOfLikes memories are the reason I don’t post about my relationships anymore. Because that’s just embarrassing and should be private for now on. I don’t need to be constantly reminded of how dumb I was. Let me be dumb without the future reminders lol.
                      • Marley Rose
                        I'm disappointed! I Picked a free movie from crackle to watch because I thought the screen said Onassis. It turns out it said Assassin's. By the time I figured out it wasn't a movie about Jackie and Ari, I was too far involved.
                        • Marley Rose
                          Why this random man at the park ask me for a picture of my feet? Sir… please back away before I spray you with my invisible pepper spray…
                          • Marley Rose
                            I would like to take a moment to wish all my family and friends a very Merry Christmas! As I reflect on the last few months, I want to remind everyone to Love Life and you can never say I Love you too often or lend a helping hand when needed. Who knows what will happen in the next minute, hour or the next day! Please say a prayer for my several friends who have lost someone recently, its always tough but even tougher when its at the holidays! LOVE EACH OTHER!!!
                            • Marley Rose
                              I love the part about going for food to eat and getting motivated after that.

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