Somebody Wuvs Me !
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Somebody wuvs me and he love me long time for real - like omg! My baby actually made TWO flavors of chicken legs in oven with Italian seasoning and barbeque because he knows I love turkey and chicken legs and also cooked me buttered corn, green beans with onion, garlic, and bacon, smashed taters, and sweet rolls. So, yup, ladies and gentlemen... ya girl Nichol Kessinger is about to fkn smash today !!
It is just right for my lunch or dinner, trust me, I love chicken, corn and mashed potatoes.
Corn with fried or baked chicken and additional bake bread makes a pretty delicious dish to eat at anytime, and I will drink hot coffee with it.
Something simple but delicious to eat. The taste is there on that plate, I love green beans with onion, garlic, and bacon, smashed taters, and sweet rolls.
That's what Im talkin bout girrrll...I love my corn and taters mixed lol