Discussion topics
- Do you see ghost at Old Man's Cave here in Ohio? This is my extremely inquisitive 4 yr old daughter. I took this on Sunday at Old Man's Cave here in Ohio. Before you "nay sayers" get on here & "it's just the sun beam" me to death, I...
- paranormalphone callweirdcreepyghostsparanormal phone call woth ghostsphonecallhauntedpharmacywhisperingwhispersCreepy things that’s happening to me as I type this post: I’m on a possible weird haunted phonecall with my nearest pharmacy trying to get my prescriptions switched over. Third time today I’ve tried this. This time I actually talked with...
- I have a story to tell that happened to me last night and I find this group the most understanding to it because anyone else would laugh if heard this story. I went home from the gym last night and I passed a market selling universal things (for the...
- I have a ghost living with me.. when I first was aware is I could smell perfume when I went into my bathroom. How I first realized she was real. I bought a pair of gloves. Put them on my desk to get the next morning. The next morning they weren't...