Loren Swarts


A school teacher happy to work with kids all ages in my city.


Swimming, Exercising, Basketball, Softball

Insurance CompanyGaico Insurance for home and car.
Date Today
Preferred Color #8A7FCC
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Reading novel books, watching tv shoes on cable TV.

ProfessionTeacher / Director
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    • Loren Swarts
      Respectfully, please don’t ever message me and say “must be nice.” We KNOW struggle. It sux that you can’t post your happiest moments on social media during the holidays. If anyone can relate, it’s us and we’ve never hidden our low moments. We work HARD, nothing that we have fell in our laps. Stop viewing this world through bitter eyes and please learn to be happy for people. Your time is coming. Anywhoooooooo I'M SO DELIGHTED AT MY FIRST PAIR OF UGGS, he picked them out and went to get them all by himself and I love him for it!
      • Loren Swarts
        Last liquid meal is dinner tonight, graduating to solid foods for breakfast tomorrow morning and I will even get to drink COFFEE! Yayyy!! Yes I do feel like I've been in a WWF cage match and lost, but I've been in this place before. I'm going to mand, it's just going to take a little time. I might be having another minor surgery later, but I'll face that bridge when I come to it. In the meantime I'm just so grateful that I'm not in as much pain as I was and I'm thankful for all the love and support I've gotten. I just wanted everybody to know that I'm on the other side now.
        • Loren Swarts
          Oh my, Seattle hits heat record today of 107 and more heat coming over. Only 40% of homes have air conditioning. This is not a good sign! What is going on in the U.S.?
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