Loren Grays


Hello everyone in here "the book Of Likes". 
I also thank you for reading my stuff and i really hope we can have a permanent friendship, meaning for ever and ever like bodies.
There is a lot that i can tell you about my life and me, but i rather to read and listen things that are happening in the world right now.
I'm an artist and a student in college because i think it is important to learn and have the proof that you went to college university to study and got a degree and get a good job to have lots of money to spend at stores shopping for clothing and shoes, a nice smartphone and a big screen TV to watch TV shoes and movies.
I hope to be married some day and have lots of kids to teach them real values for life.


I love to go swimming, play basketball and Volleyball too. Almost forgot, I like to exercise practicing martial arts to maintain my body in a good shape (cute curves and strong muscles).


I have to say the truth about what movie platform a like the most.
This why, going to movie theaters is a dream right now because of the pandemic going on and we don't know till whem it is going to be over.

Most of them I watch on Netflix, of course and stay at home sleeping and eating all times.

Movie list: Rotten Tomatoes, The Platform, Marriage Story, Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark ,  The Zodiac killer, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse ( in 2018), The Irishman (2019) and others more. 

The movie Platform 

Insurance CompanyDriving Insurance is State Farm (i'm a good driver, no problem).
Country / City
Date Today
Preferred Color #5B5AAF
List of Hobbies

Like I said before, my hobbies are watching TV and eating toasted potatoes chips with sodas. Well probable go out sometimes when there is a green light in the near future to eat at a Chinese restaurant or Italian pizzas.
For recreation is probably reading digital love books online.

ProfessionArtist writer

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Statuses & Comments

    • Loren Grays
      I had the Macy Thanksgiving Parade on earlier. I wish they'd bring back the old fashioned parades that actually have floats and less singing and dancing but I still enjoyed it nonetheless. It’s over and CBS is playing a Young and the Restless repeats. You'd think there would be repeats today concerning soap operas...BUT NOT FROM THE EARLY 1990's!
      • Loren Grays
        I had the Macy Thanksgiving Parade on earlier. I wish they'd bring back the old fashioned parades that actually have floats and less singing and dancing but I still enjoyed it nonetheless. It’s over and CBS is playing a Young and the Restless repeats. I would e😜ect a repeat today BUT NOT FROM THE EARLY 1990's!
        • Loren Grays
          You know you're not young anymore when a website asks for your birth year and you can zing that field as hard as you want and still not get to your birth year. Kind of depressing!
            • Tarah Gieger

              I was having a conversation with my family about what song you would come up with if you core-sampled each decade’s popular music. We worked back from the ‘90’s to the ‘20s before I cried uncle. My son later asked “What about the rest?” He was asking about the aughts and teens of this dumb century, I suppose. Eff if I know.

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              • Sara S. Moulton

                I have been hammering on web designers about this. If I am using the device, clearly I was not born this year. Why not start the wheel at a more realistic number, or have it scroll decades and the expand when you pause? These the techniques that can be employed.

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                • Loren Grays

                  @Tarah Sounds like a full convo too me! hehe @Sara YESSSS!!

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                • Loren Grays
                  I mask around EVERYONE at first until I learn that they can be trusted. I'm actually really friendly and caring I'm just too shy to show it until I know I can let my guard down. I'm very observant. Especially with body language and a person's eyes reveal their true emotions when you talk to them. I always watch the eyes. I hate the way I act when I like someone. This is why I'll be saying if you think I don’t like you then believe me. I make it very clear it’s not a secret lol
                  • Loren Grays
                    Why doesn't the gasoline smell like gasoline anymore?! I go to the gas pump at least once a week and it has never never smelt so weak asf.

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                    • Loren Grays
                      Loren Grays posted to Statuses & Comments
                      I had the Macy Thanksgiving Parade on earlier. I wish they'd bring back the old fashioned parades that actually have floats and less singing and dancing but I still enjoyed it nonetheless. It’s over and CBS is playing a Young and the Restless repeats. You'd think there would be repeats today concerning soap operas...BUT NOT FROM THE EARLY 1990's!
                      • Loren Grays
                        Loren Grays posted to Statuses & Comments
                        I had the Macy Thanksgiving Parade on earlier. I wish they'd bring back the old fashioned parades that actually have floats and less singing and dancing but I still enjoyed it nonetheless. It’s over and CBS is playing a Young and the Restless repeats. I would e😜ect a repeat today BUT NOT FROM THE EARLY 1990's!
                        • Loren Grays
                          Loren Grays commented on You know you're not...
                          @Tarah Sounds like a full convo too me! hehe @Sara YESSSS!!
                          • Loren Grays
                            Loren Grays posted to Statuses & Comments
                            You know you're not young anymore when a website asks for your birth year and you can zing that field as hard as you want and still not get to your birth year. Kind of depressing!
                              • Tarah Gieger

                                I was having a conversation with my family about what song you would come up with if you core-sampled each decade’s popular music. We worked back from the ‘90’s to the ‘20s before I cried uncle. My son later asked “What about the rest?” He was asking about the aughts and teens of this dumb century, I suppose. Eff if I know.

                                Leave a comment
                                • Sara S. Moulton

                                  I have been hammering on web designers about this. If I am using the device, clearly I was not born this year. Why not start the wheel at a more realistic number, or have it scroll decades and the expand when you pause? These the techniques that can be employed.

                                  Leave a comment
                                  • Loren Grays

                                    @Tarah Sounds like a full convo too me! hehe @Sara YESSSS!!

                                    Leave a comment
                                    • Tarah Gieger

                                      I was having a conversation with my family about what song you would come up with if you core-sampled each decade’s popular music. We worked back from the ‘90’s to the ‘20s before I cried uncle. My son later asked “What about the rest?” He was...

                                      • Sara S. Moulton

                                        I have been hammering on web designers about this. If I am using the device, clearly I was not born this year. Why not start the wheel at a more realistic number, or have it scroll decades and the expand when you pause? These the techniques that can...

                                        • Loren Grays

                                          @Tarah Sounds like a full convo too me! hehe @Sara YESSSS!!

                                        • Loren Grays
                                          Loren Grays commented on I like being corrected...
                                          I don't know why people put dumb crap like that online. Poor Betty White supposedly died how many times before she actually passed? Ridiculous. I wish I had that much time on my hands to make up stupid hoaxes
                                          • Loren Grays
                                            Loren Grays posted to Statuses & Comments
                                            I mask around EVERYONE at first until I learn that they can be trusted. I'm actually really friendly and caring I'm just too shy to show it until I know I can let my guard down. I'm very observant. Especially with body language and a person's eyes reveal their true emotions when you talk to them. I always watch the eyes. I hate the way I act when I like someone. This is why I'll be saying if you think I don’t like you then believe me. I make it very clear it’s not a secret lol
                                            • Loren Grays
                                              Loren Grays commented on Why doesn't the gasoline...
                                              Omg that happened to me last week, I was nervous every time after I turned on my car but it never happened again, only at the gas pump that one time.
                                              • Loren Grays
                                                Loren Grays posted to Statuses & Comments
                                                Why doesn't the gasoline smell like gasoline anymore?! I go to the gas pump at least once a week and it has never never smelt so weak asf.
                                                  • Michelle Brand

                                                    This is a good point, Loren! Today my car didn't crank for a minute from this weak gas they're putting out!

                                                    • Loren Grays

                                                      Omg that happened to me last week, I was nervous every time after I turned on my car but it never happened again, only at the gas pump that one time.

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