Loren Grays
Hello everyone in here "the book Of Likes".
I also thank you for reading my stuff and i really hope we can have a permanent friendship, meaning for ever and ever like bodies.
There is a lot that i can tell you about my life and me, but i rather to read and listen things that are happening in the world right now.
I'm an artist and a student in college because i think it is important to learn and have the proof that you went to college university to study and got a degree and get a good job to have lots of money to spend at stores shopping for clothing and shoes, a nice smartphone and a big screen TV to watch TV shoes and movies.
I hope to be married some day and have lots of kids to teach them real values for life.
I love to go swimming, play basketball and Volleyball too. Almost forgot, I like to exercise practicing martial arts to maintain my body in a good shape (cute curves and strong muscles).
I have to say the truth about what movie platform a like the most.
This why, going to movie theaters is a dream right now because of the pandemic going on and we don't know till whem it is going to be over.
Most of them I watch on Netflix, of course and stay at home sleeping and eating all times.
Movie list: Rotten Tomatoes, The Platform, Marriage Story, Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark , The Zodiac killer, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse ( in 2018), The Irishman (2019) and others more.
The movie Platform
Like I said before, my hobbies are watching TV and eating toasted potatoes chips with sodas. Well probable go out sometimes when there is a green light in the near future to eat at a Chinese restaurant or Italian pizzas.
For recreation is probably reading digital love books online.