LeAnne Smith


My life is just like a simple woman, i have my professional goals and live with a good family, everyday drive my car to work and when I finish my eight working hours return to my house. I go to the Gym for exercise and meet my friends once a week and continue with my life's routine.


I love to watch the European Soccer Football and the American Golf sport.

Insurance CompanyI got 25% off Home Insurance Plans from Brent Beckman Agency Inc American Family Insurance, The address: 15030 Glazier Ave, Apple Valley, MN 55124, call Phone: (952) 432-3700
Date Today
Preferred Color #D8D113
List of Hobbies

Horseback riding (Equestrianism), playing  my favorite video games, mountain bike,

ProfessionPolice Assistant

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The Wire

    • LeAnne Smith
      Nobody ever really know what I am up to in my life unless I tell them. Anything that anybody says about me is only an assumption. Privacy is my peace and my luxury!
      • LeAnne Smith
        As kids we have to be taught the rules of life. But nobody questions how the world functions. Of course we as humans can't cope like we are told to do. Noise, light, people everywhere, evil deeds, overwhelming information. It's all too much to process. Not coping is the appropriate response because humans aren't suppose to live like this. Our minds shut down because it's too too much. We have the ability to process everything to perfect completion. It's absolutely impossible. And we are taught to believe that our response isn't OK, when it absolutely is. I NEED to live in a rural setting away from cities. I am in a small subdivision now, but my husband and I crave being in a cabin in the wilderness away from large communities. I NEED animals around me - they are much more honest - humans just annoy me. I would love to live in an off the grid cabin with all natural building materials, no electricity save solar. I don't want the hum of electronics or waves being drawn in by cell phones. When I go out into the wilderness or very rural setting I get immediate relief
        • LeAnne Smith
          Please people just because they are calling for snow please don't get stupid at the store. Other people need normal every day stuff also. When you as an adult clear the shelves ( being greedy) you are taking food out of a tummies of children.
          • LeAnne Smith
            Watching "Soap". This show is still funnier than ever. Kind of like the Schitt’s Creek of it’s day and it was created by the same production team and team of writers that later created The Golden Girls. Re-runs are the best!

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