Emily Garcia


I spend most of my free time planting new flower plants at my garden, it really does great to my stress caused by my job. I really barely get online and read about my friends, just enough to fill up my public profile.
My cats, my boyfriend and the erst of my family stand all together in this large family.


U.S. Soccer leagues, Swimming,

Insurance CompanyGaico car insurance, truck
Date Today
Preferred Color #722727
ProfessionAccountant work for my office

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The Wire

    • Emily Garcia
      Ain't no way I just saw my mechanic and all his many children piled up in there going to McDonald's in my car...without the seat belt on either, like wtf! xD
      • Emily Garcia
        Since I never have time for couponing anymore, and that was my stress relief...then I want a new tattoo! I am having ink withdrawals!
        • Emily Garcia
          The government and NASA have known about the parallel universe since the 1940s lol, what’s happening is they realizing they can’t keep this stuff a secret forever because everything is revealing itself. Like how now they starting to admit extra terrestrials are real. Listen, a lot of truths are being revealed but the government does this thing where they tell you the truth and lie to you at the same time

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